GDM uninstalled somehow after a crash

While playing Last Epoch today, my PC experienced a crash. After rebooting it logged into tty instead of showing GDM, I ran a few commands (thinking it was nvidia related or something, used nvidia-inst, eos-nvidia-fix) to no avail. After messing around for a bit trying to figure out what was going on I realised GDM had disappeared – I’m using the cinnamon install as my DE – any ideas as to what could cause something like this?

Installing GDM fixed the problem and my computer is functioning normally and as expected now. Would just like to avoid something like this in the future.

Uninstalling it would cause that. Otherwise, nothing I can imagine. Packages don’t uninstall themselves, so if yuo didn’t do it. . . maybe someone else used your computer? Your journal would show you when it was installed and why.

Edit: in pacman.log as noted below.

Uninstalled packages should be visible in file /var/log/pacman.log.