Ive never changed the display manager. EOS installed with lightdm, but in the welcome app it allows one to change to either of the other three. How are the other display managers? Is one better for certain stuff, or is one not recommended?
If you are not scared off by a non-graphic login manager:
yay -S ly
systemctl disable sddm # lightdm or gdm etc
systemctl enable ly.service
Fast – NO frills.
For optional matrix like background you need:
yay -S cmatrix
If you are using a DE that is integrated with the DM, it is typically best to stick with that one.
There honestly isn’t much advantage in switching DMs so unless you are having some problem, I would leave it alone.
By non graphic login do you mean something like a terminal screen saying;
Local host login:
Im only asking because in the welcome app it provides the option to change to four different dm s. What is the purpose of this?
It is just a helper to make it easier to switch if you want to.
That doesn’t mean you should switch.
Click on the link in my previous post.
Or from a wider perspective: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Display_manager
I use Ly and like it. The only downside I haven’t eliminated some irq related text.
(irqpoll is needed but not in all cases )
Haha. That s an interesting explanation, but to me it sounds a lot like a disclaimer. I will say that it s nice to have options, but to what end for the un-knowledgeable person like myself? A knowledgeable person would already know what they wanted, and would know how to make it happen. That leads to the question; why give the options in the first place if it is best to leave it as it is?
I ran the stuff in your first post. I m fine with it. And it is faster
Because people who know about them already might have a preference and it’s nice to have out of the box instead of one more thing to configure once you’re up and running.
It’s one of those “if you know, you know” things. Really, no different at all from how the installer offers multiple DEs even though Plasma is objectively the best one and all the rest are terrible
A few years ago DMs had sometimes problems after update, and changing to another DM helped. Nowadays DMs seem to be in much better shape.
So as @dalto explained, it is just an easy helper. The app could be removed from Welcome.
As a sidenote to this, SDDM has been taken in by the Plasma development team, so it’s effectively integrated into KDE now. Yes you can use other DMs, but if there isn’t a specific problem you’re trying to work around or resolve, it’s, as Dalto said, best to leave it.
It’s not needed, this package is not installed and I still have the matrix background.
GDM is similar in Gnome. Removing it can break things like suspend and lock screen and other things you’d really want in Gnome.
So am I supposed to put
Animation = cmatrix
in the ly config.ini for cmatrix to show up on the login screen?
Nevermind. I see it is already in the .ini file.