Funniest Caption Contest!

I could eat a :hamburger: and lift some weights, or vis versa. Life is beautiful.

Eat some weights and lift a hamburger? :wink: :sweat_smile:

Or weight some eats and burger a lift. :grin:

Or weight a burger and eat some lifts :rofl:

I’ll be back!

I need to buy a furry costume.


Yesterday’s winner is @keybreak !


Today’s caption contest begins now!

Accupuncture, it does the body good!

You’ll be fine! As you can see there are no knife marks inside the line.

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My medical school used “Operation” as the training tool.


The winner of yesterday’s contest is…

@serutan :partying_face:

The next round starts…NOW!

“Of course it’s safe–the sign says it’s ours.”

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And yesterday’s winner is @fecklesstech !

Today’s cartoon…Go!

Two can play this game!

That was some serious challenge :rofl:

I thought that was commentary about it :rofl:

I posted my caption from a machine running MX. Does it still count?

From what post?