Flatpak question

Recently I have found a folder for Flatpak in my local folder. I delete it and it always shows back up after rebooting the computer. I have not installed Flatpak nor do I intend to. Just want to know why this keeps popping up in my local folder?

What does the output of the below command show?

pacman -Q | grep -i flat

Note: Even if you don’t have a flatpak application installed, you may still have “flatpak”, the package manager, installed.


➤ pacman -Q | grep -i flat
flatpak 1:1.15.6-2
libdeflate 1.19-1
➤ flatpak list

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Shows just the following: libdeflate 1.19-1. The Flatpak folder only has a db folder but is empty.

That’s strange. Well, here’s an idea: try installing flatpak, then uninstalling it using

pacman -Rs flatpak

Then delete the folder and whenever you restart, check if it’s reappeared.

wonder if re-population of folder is some dep/reverse dep thing stuff?
I saw a thread here last week that showed an Endeavour sys package was dependent on flatpak and two other programs. Or inverse? the only reason I remember this is because I always thought Flatpak was 100% sandboxed/isolated and I was surprised it wasn’t.
dos centavos

Maybe it’s ostree? That’s a flatpak dependency that isn’t required by any other package I have installed. So too is libmalcontent.

Name            : ostree
Version         : 2024.5-1
Description     : Operating system and container binary deployment and upgrades
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : https://ostreedev.github.io/ostree/
Licenses        : LGPL-2.0-or-later
Groups          : None
Provides        : libostree-1.so=1-64
Depends On      : bash  fuse3  gcc-libs  glibc  libgpg-error  libsodium  sh  util-linux  which
                  zlib  avahi  libavahi-client.so=3-64  libavahi-common.so=3-64
                  libavahi-glib.so=1-64  curl  libcurl.so=4-64  glib2  libgio-2.0.so=0-64
                  libglib-2.0.so=0-64  libgobject-2.0.so=0-64  gpgme  libgpgme.so=11-64  libarchive
                  libarchive.so=13-64  libsoup  openssl  libcrypto.so=3-64  systemd-libs
                  libsystemd.so=0-64  xz  liblzma.so=5-64
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : flatpak
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 4.38 MiB
Packager        : David Runge <dvzrv@archlinux.org>
Build Date      : Sat 16 Mar 2024 02:13:09 AM EST
Install Date    : Sun 17 Mar 2024 09:24:56 PM EST
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature

PS: “libmalcontent” - what an awful name for a package which provides parental control… “libparent” is an available package name, and so are “libprotect” and “libguard”. Such a bad name.

looks like it. nice catch.

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Flatpak can operate in system-wide or per-user mode. The system-wide data (runtimes, applications and configuration) is located in $prefix/var/lib/flatpak/, and the per-user data is in $HOME/.local/share/flatpak/. Below these
locations, there is a local repository in the repo/ subdirectory and installed runtimes and applications are in the corresponding runtime/ and app/ subdirectories.

I think the directory you are seeing is part of the flatpak’s “infrastructure” (in lack of better expression).

Regardless having added remotes or having actually installed any flatpak applications, I believe the locations mentioned in the quote above (from man flatpak) will be there.

If you don’t intend to install any flatpak applications, you could simply remove the package flatpak
(sudo pacman -Rs flatpak) and delete $HOME/.local/share/flatpak/

If you have the package malcontent installed, it has the package flatpak as dependency, so you would need to decide if you want to keep it or not.

At any rate, the existence of $HOME/.local/share/flatpak/ is not detrimental to your system.


After doing a lot of research I found out what is causing the folder to keep appearing. Seems that libdeflate 1.19-1 is a dependency of meson graphic driver which is needed for gaming graphics. It is a dependency use by flatpak even though flatpak is not actually installed. Like pebcak said it’s not detrimental to my system, just irritating that is is there at all.


libdeflate is not a dependency of flatpak. Neither is flatpak a dependency of the libdeflate.

To see what in your system is really depending on the mentioned packages:

pactree -r libdeflate
pactree -r flatpak

Sorry @ddnn, I seem to have quoted the output from your system by mistake. Will edit to correct.

My bad :man_facepalming:t5:

All good. Learned about pactree as a result, so thanks.

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Yes, pactree is a very nice tool. Have a play with it and its options. You will like it.

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No doubt. Looks particularly useful for sysadmins, package builders, etc. But can also be good for the regular user, like myself.

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