[FIXED] Gnome is broken in the ARM images

The Gnome package nautilus-sento was deleted from the Archlinux repos and moved to the AUR. Sometime after that, nautilus-sendto was removed from the Archlinux ARM repositories.

All four DE images, RPi 4b, RPi 5b, Odroid N2, and Pinebook Pro will fail if you are installing Gnome as the Desktop Environment. When the script tries to install nautilus-sendto, pacman cannot find it and will bomb out.

The fix is simple. However, for the user to see the fix, I will have to create new images for all four images and will release them on github.

In the mean time, all the rest of the DEs and i3wm should be okay.

Hopefully, this will be remedied in the next few days.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


I don’t know if this will affect the x86_64 calamares installs, but just a heads up for you.

Joe, never mind. Just looked and saw the note on packagechooser.conf saying " nautilus-sendto was dropped from repos".


Here are the statistics for number of github downloads since June 20, 2024
enosARM-server-rpi-latest.img.xz 92 times
enosLinuxARM-rpi5-latest.img.xz 200 times
enosLinuxARM-rpi4-latest.img.xz 195 times
enosLinuxARM-pbp-latest.img.xz 45 times
enosLinuxARM-odroid-n2-latest.img.xz 23 times

Looking at the numbers, RPi 5b and RPi 4b will be done first.

However, I have not received any feedback. Feedback is appreciated.


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New images for RPi 4b and RPi 5b are available at github.

As a test, I have downloaded the images from github, burned them to uSD, booted up, and successfully installed Gnome.

Since this is a Gnome specific problem, I haven’t done test installs on the other 7 DEs or i3wm.

If anyone installs a different DE or i3wm, let us know. That would relieve me of testing every DE.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July independence day holiday. Not sure if I will get around to Odroid N2 and Pinebook Pro images tomorrow. Might be more like Friday.



I also updated the main website links :wink:

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RPi 4b, RPi 5b, Odroid N2, and Pinebook Pro images have been updated and uploaded to github.

The Gnome problem has been taken care of and is ready to go.



time to test, just see my sd-card reader is loaded already so i can run a short install test.

cheers b.t.w (late but lekker)


installed GNOME working perfectly fine… also i see now why it is a difference on the sd-card used.
Gave the one i used before to my daughter as she needed one for the nintendo lite and used one laying around… it is so slow that it renders Gnome Desktop slow as a snail on holidays… :snail:

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I have been playing around with ARM devices for 5 years now.
I have found that the Samsung PRO Plus has the best combination of reliability and speed.


I have six of these at 128 GB and three of these at 256 GB.
As part of development, all have been formatted and reinstalled numerous times. They are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep on going. :rabbit2:


I have also found that with the same uSD model like above, the larger the capacity the faster they are.

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:floppy_disk: :soon: :basket:

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My project for today is to create a headless server image for the device that begins with O.


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