Long story short: Boot issue with black screen that seemed to try to load the desktop without success, unable to open an TTY environment on the borked system. Chrooted into the OS and removed 2 recently installed AUR package → solved the issue.
However I’m kinda curious on how I could have determined what was causing the issue ? What logs should I have been looking at in the chrooted environment? Others ways to find out the problematic package and it’s dependencies?
I’m kinda happy I solved the issue It’s nothing fancy but I feared I had to wipe and reinstall everything anew !
Neither of those packages should have any impact on booting a system, they are just editors.
That being said @UncleSpellbinder has had issues with an Electron based program in autostart (Bitwarden), so we may be looking at a new problem (vscodium is electron, marktext isn’t though).
Do you have sessions turned on (only applies to KDE), or are you trying to autostart either?
I’m running on XFCE and no I didn’t try to autostart. I have reinstalled vscodium and the system seems to boot without any issues. That’s not a definitive conclusion that marktext-bin is the culprit here, but reading the AUR comment for marktext it seems this one is broken, however the one I installed (marktext-bin) isn’t?
That’s the reason why I’m want to find out where in the logs I can find this info, if it’s even possible !