FAQs about endeavorOS

currently existing problems:

  1. How to beautify the xfce4 system? Not elegant enough, the vscode font is not good-looking, and how to set the shortcut keys, for example, what should I do if I want to set the win key to open the start menu (similar to windows 10)?

  2. The default is xfce4 after installation. If I want to install and switch to Deepin or KDE desktop, but I don’t want to delete xfce4 (keep it as a backup desktop, so I can switch back later), what should I do?

  3. How to use NVIDIA’s closed source driver?

  4. How can the remote desktop connection of endeavoros use RDP to facilitate the connection to the remote windows desktop? Currently I installed the Reminna remote tool, but I did not find support for the RDP protocol.

  5. How can endeavoros support 32-bit? (i386)


Use the helper program from our repos nvidia-inst

You need to also install the package xfreerdp

If you mean applications, support tis provided via the libraries in the multilib repo. If you mean hardware, we don’t support 32-bit hardware.


Hi dalto,
Thanks for your kindly answer:

  1. How to beautify the xfce4 system? Not elegant enough, the vscode font is not good-looking, and how to set the shortcut keys, for example, what should I do if I want to set the win key to open the start menu (similar to windows 10)?
    —For this question, could u pls give some advice or direction? xfce is lack of self customization and the theme provided can’t match my requirement.

  2. The default is xfce4 after installation. If I want to install and switch to Deepin or KDE desktop, but I don’t want to delete xfce4 (keep it as a backup desktop, so I can switch back later), what should I do?
    —I have already read the link you provide, but I still get confused:
    i.Should I install one DDE and uninstall another one meanwhile? and they can’t be conexist?
    ii. Should I need to do some configuration about x11 or xinit config files about the new DDE?
    My default DDE is xfce4, and I just installed deepin DDE without uninstall xfce4 dde,
    and after my reboot, it’s still stay on xfce4 dde.

  3. How can endeavoros support 32-bit? (i386)
    —I need to install the vpn namd univpn and use which to login my remote desktop in my company, follow is the download site:
    But I can’t install this tool, hint is not support 32 bit system.
    Could u pls help to have a look?

Could u pls provide your telegram, we can have a instance cotact.(@petercao01)


Maybe do some reading instead.


Here are all the channels you could use to get in touch with EnOS:

I can’t, because I don’t use XFCE.

They can coexist but you should expect to have minor issues when you do this. Also, the Deepin experience on all Arch-based distros is not ideal.

In the display manager when you login, there should be an option to select the session and you can choose deepin.

It seems likely this is a 64-bit program since it has “64” in the name specifically.

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Try DockBarX. (make sure to get the plugin that lets you put it into the normal panel)

It’ll let you get a more Windows 10 like taskbar. Also try the Sweet Dark themes, they look great.

I want my Linux look my Windows look. What are you looking?!

Have a look here for themes

You can use ocs-url for easy installation, it’s available in the AUR
yay -S ocs-url


this will make sure you get the latest version of everything too. (instead of relying on what your local DB says)

Got it, thx


sudo pacman -Syu <package> updates the system and installs <package>

NEVER use sudo pacman -Sy <package> This is a partial upgrade, which isn’t supported. It installs <package> with a newer database from the Arch repos but DOESN’T upgrade the rest.

sudo pacman -S <package> installs <package> according to your local database which is probably out of date, so the package will be too.

<package> is any package obviously.

Umm, XFCE isn’t lacking. You have to personally make it beautiful. It isn’t out of the box. There’s themes, icons, window decoration, etc.

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Welcome @peter2

EndeavourOS Xfce is already beautiful and elegant and is the flagship here. Deepin is not one of the Desktops included as there are too many issues with it on Arch. You want nvidia drivers then you install them. You want remote desktop you need to install the packages and needed dependencies. 32 bit is out.

Maybe you didn’t see the wiki page?


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I shared an example here:

There are many more XFCE desktop examples shown by forum members in that same thread.

See my tutorial here:

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thx for sharing

Hi guys,
I just reinstall to the eos kde system, and it looked so much fun,
But I still got some problem:
1.the kde startup command line will stuck in lines like :host name xxx for several seconds, which is too much long time, I hope it’s 10s for startup to my kde window.
2.Some times, my kde desktop will be stuck, even no action was triggered, so in this case, I have to reboot the machine, and it wil be recovery to good state,
so is there something wrong with this? and how to solve or avoid this kind of issues?
3.In KDE desktop, I can’t find source program like xfce or gnome, my admire is to config the nvidia and network card driver in this way, but no program can be found. should I need to install some apps?