So basically when booting from my USB with endeavouros then it shows failed to load ldlinux.c32. I first used ventoy then balena ether mainly because im on manjaro linux.
I use UEFI with CSM I don’t think it’s that. My secure boot keys are also cleared idk how to fix this now
Hope this helps:
I’d recommend using the dd
there has to be a million factors I would try try again.
YOU: success with Ventoy, no success with USB
ME: etcher-usb-endeavour 100% success; ventoy-endeavour-100% fail
I think it’s a coin flip between BIOS and hardware.
(most recent was an old tosh. satellite I had to enable CSM then make a couple more bios settings. FUN FACT: I had to enable a BIOS password, then Open Sesame I could allow CSM and couple more settings appeared that I had to enable after making a password. Weirdsville. So there could be a Mystery Layer down there is all I’m saying)
did you make sure that secure boot is off in your bios settings? Endeavour, like arch, doesn’t automatically install secure boot keys.
thanks man for the advice. ill tinker around with the bios settings a bit and update yall
yep secure boot was off
aight ill try