Failed unmounting while installing

Yes…printer support is installed. Not HP though.

Didn’t work. Still can’t reboot after install. Gonna try again without i3 AND HP packages

Edit: I know it must be irritating teaching something so basic as VMs. My bad

I told you don’t install i3 with Kde!

Yeah I installed it without i3, still didn’t reboot right and got stuck. Now I’m trying again without i3 and the HP packages like how you did it. Thank you btw!

If you install it and reboot and it hangs then shut the vm down using power off the machine. Then restart it. I didn’t have any issues. BTW I’m using VboxSVGA on KDE in the vm with 3D enabled. You have to set it in settings and then again on the screen before starting the vm to install it otherwise it uses SVGA

So I am going to make one more attempt here. After it gets stuck what happens if you remove the the iso and restart it? Don’t reinstall. Just restart it.

Does the OP understand how to remove the ISO in the VM. Some people don’t!

“Remove Disk from virtual drive” right?

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I don’t usually do this but @dalto wants you to try that.

Well? VM not working?