
I use plasma-kde
Until now, I was using plasma5-applets-eventcalendar available on Aur. It worked perfectly.
Since a recent update and the move to Plasma 6, this application no longer works, as it was designed to work with Plasma 5 only.
After research, there is a version for plasma 6 : https://github.com/ALikesToCode/plasma-applet-eventcalendar/tree/plasma-6.
I tried to install it, but unfortunately I didn’t succeed (I must admit that I’m terrible at creating pkgbuilt for Aur).
Could someone create it in Aur, or at least tell me how to install it directly.
Thank you so much.

First line in the github description

Please note that this is a work in progress and is not currently operational.

But there’s hope yet I guess… That was one of the worst losses in the ‘upgrade’, though I’m enjoying Plasma 6 and now started with Wayland, it still stings a bit.


Yer the only thing I’m really missing even though I only occasionly used it is the the Ditto Menu, Andromeda Launcher has been ported but I don’t really like it as much

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I’m hooked on Simple Menu now, the last menu I used lost arrow navigation between columns.

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I used Eventcalendar and Onze Menu for a long time. At some point they will be ported to Plasma 6, then I will use these addons again. At the moment I use clock and calendar from Plasma 6 on board

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I mostly just use krunner now or shortcuts but the menu is always handy when I have a brain fart and can’t remember what program I’m wanting to use

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