Error while installing endaviourOs with dual live boot usb

Hopefully you can get into the UEFI Bios and maybe the setting is like this.

Restart and get into the BIOS, switch the SATA operation mode from RST to AHCI (press ctrl+s in the main BIOS tab in order the option to appear), save changes.

I’m pretty sure in bios screen press CTRL + S, when the MAIN tab is open.

Sir right now the main problem is that my laptop is not accessing the bios becz of dual os i have right now

Are you not able to delete the partition from Windows?

Sir i was able to delete the patition of linux of my harddrive but also while doing boot it is still there

Sir after a lot of problems i was able to delete the distro changed the sata mode from RAID to AHCI now lets see what happens :blush:

Now its perfectly installing in my ssd

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Okay so now the drive is being seen and you should be able to select the proper drive from the drop down box and install what ever online, or community edition desktop you choose making the selections you want for file system and swap file and or other things. You can use erase disc and swap file and ext4 and select the drive you should have no issue now or other option.

Edit: I’m sorry there was a bit of confusion in the beginning as i didn’t understand there was another drive. Glad you were able to get it working now.

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No worries sir
I was able to learn a lot from you becz of these problems and i m glad u taught somethings that was unknown to me .

Thanks for your precious time …
and if some problems get into me regarding linux in coming days i want you to guide me sir :blush:

Well i don’t know everything but i try my best. What desktop did you install?

Sir in Acer nitro 5

Yes but what desktop did you install of EndeavourOS. It looked like you had launched the Community editions install in the post above?

Sir if u r talking about desktop environment then i just installed gnome

I m new here that’s why I don’t know more

Okay so you installed Gnome desktop. That is a good choice. So have you installed any software? Or do you need to know how? What kind of things do you want to install?

Sir i want to ask you

Is there any way of making the best GUI with best customization

And which desktop environment is best for it

Yes sir please guide me I don’t know

So the package manager is pacman for most things. All packages that are in the AUR are packages that have to be installed with an AUR helper. yay is the AUR helper that is installed on EndeavourOS. You can use yay to also update as well as pacman. But pacman doesn’t work with AUR packages.

So to update open the terminal and type

sudo pacman -Syu

Then enter.

Sir i have already installed all the pacakges

Have you installed any software that you want to use?

Edit: I am talking about software such as the following as examples


What software sir can we explain it

Sir i installed libre office but don’t know what to do about it :sweat_smile:

Sir i m front end developer so VsCode and other programming tools i need to download and i want to learn more commands of the linux