Eos-update --yay fails with "could not find all required packages: clang =17.0.6"

Updated mirrors, installed clang17 but that didn’t have any effect. Anyone else facing this problem?
Cheers Paul

Can you share the full output from the command so we can see what it happening exactly?

I have the same problem. This is the screen shot:

dave@dave-mini-pc~ >>> eos-update --yay                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
eos-update: package updater with additional features
Updating native and AUR apps...
[sudo] password for dave: 
:: Synchronising package databases...
 endeavouros is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 there is nothing to do
:: Searching AUR for updates...
 -> No AUR package found for clang=17.0.6
 -> Packages not in AUR: khotkeys  kpeoplevcard  kquickcharts5
 -> Missing AUR Debug Packages: buffalo-bin-debug  clang17-debug  eclipse-java-debug
 -> Orphan (unmaintained) AUR Packages: yo
 -> Flagged Out Of Date AUR Packages: python-shiboken2  yo
:: 21 dependencies will also be installed for this operation.
    core/glib2-devel            -> 2.80.4-1
    extra/doxygen               -> 1.11.0-4
    (make dependency of krunner5)
    extra/extra-cmake-modules   -> 6.4.0-1
    (make dependency of krunner5)
    extra/gn                    -> 0.2174.b3a0bff4-1
    (make dependency of electron25)
    extra/kdoctools5            -> 5.116.0-1
    (make dependency of krunner5)
    extra/lld                   -> 18.1.8-1
    (make dependency of electron25)
    extra/nodejs-lts-hydrogen   -> 18.20.3-1
    (make dependency of electron25)
    extra/patchutils            -> 0.4.2-3
    (make dependency of electron25)
    extra/python-httplib2       -> 0.22.0-5
    (make dependency of electron25)
    extra/python-pyparsing      -> 3.1.2-2
    (make dependency of electron25)
    extra/python-six            -> 1.16.0-9
    (make dependency of electron25)
    extra/qt5-3d                -> 5.15.14-1
    (make dependency of python-shiboken2)
    extra/qt5-charts            -> 5.15.14-1
    (make dependency of python-shiboken2)
    extra/qt5-datavis3d         -> 5.15.14-1
    (make dependency of python-shiboken2)
    extra/qt5-doc               -> 5.15.14-1
    (make dependency of krunner5)
    extra/qt5-remoteobjects     -> 5.15.14-1
    (make dependency of python-shiboken2)
    extra/qt5-script            -> 5.15.17-2
    (make dependency of python-shiboken2)
    extra/qt5-scxml             -> 5.15.14-1
    (make dependency of python-shiboken2)
    extra/qt5-serialport        -> 5.15.14-1
    (make dependency of python-shiboken2)
    extra/qt5-xmlpatterns       -> 5.15.14-1
    (make dependency of python-shiboken2)
    extra/yarn                  -> 1.22.22-2
    (make dependency of electron25)

:: 12 packages to upgrade/install.
12  aur/anydesk-bin         6.3.0-1         -> 6.3.2-1
11  aur/brave-bin           1:1.65.133-1    -> 1:1.67.134-1
10  aur/btrfs-assistant     1.9-1           -> 2.1.1-1
 9  aur/electron25          25.9.8-1        -> 25.9.8-6
 8  aur/ghcup-hs-bin      ->
 7  aur/google-chrome       122.0.6261.94-1 -> 126.0.6478.182-1
 6  aur/gtkglext            1.2.0-15        -> 1.2.0-16
 5  aur/jetbrains-toolbox   ->
 4  aur/krunner5            5.115.0-1       -> 5.115.0-4
 3  aur/python-shiboken2    5.15.13-1       -> 5.15.13-2
 2  aur/teamviewer          15.49.2-1       -> 15.55.3-1
 1  aur/vmware-workstation  17.5.2-1        -> 17.5.2-2
==> Packages to exclude: (eg: "1 2 3", "1-3", "^4" or repo name)
 -> Excluding packages may cause partial upgrades and break systems
 -> could not find all required packages: clang =17.0.6
dave@dave-mini-pc~ >>

AUR package python-shiboken2 looks to be the reason, it wants an old clang version.


Removing python-shiboken2 and then of course pysid2 and pyside2-tools worked, thanks a lot. But how did you see, that shiboken2 is the reason? And: I installed clang17, i.e. 17.0.6-1, but the error persisted.

Simply looked at yay -Si for all of those AUR packages… and then grep clang