Somehow I have a problem with the accumulated files under /etc/pacman.d/.
Ranking files accumulate there sorted by date. Beispiel „endeavouros-mirrorlist.2023.05.23-16.18.01"
If I compare the last one with the file “endeavouros-mirrorlist” I notice that both show the same date in the lower area but have a different server list.
Which one counts now?
Files like “endeavouros-mirrorlist.2023.05.23-16.18.01” etc. spam my folder. There are just more and more!
I have come to the idea to save me all this MELD-stuff and instead
just delete all the files with:
~> cd /etc/pacman.d
find . -name "*mirrorlist*" -delete
However, I still have problems with my find command. Since I need possibly also help if that is at all everything correctly what I have thought up there.
Not sure why there is an issue as i have never had any problems with mirror ranking. Sure there are a few files in the folder. When i create a new one it doesn’t overwrite the previous so it adds another. Not sure what the issue is? These are just text files and they take no space what so ever.
I just ran it now and it saved a new file base on the date and time.