Eos-log-tool window

Hi there,

the eos-log-tool window is quite large so I can’t see the OK button on my screen. In addition, on “Note 2” there seems to be a “remove” to much.

Bildschirmfoto von 2021-04-21 20-33-18

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i see …
the first one could be “removed” :yum:

On the big sized window:
what gives your system on:
pacman -Qs yad ? we do provide a fixed yad (used for eos-apps) you can install with sudo pacman -S yad-eos

What will fix this issue as you can see here:



Thanks for the report! :smile:
I’ll fix that as soon as possible.

And as @joekamprad said, using yad-eos instead of yad fixes the height of yad windows.


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