The eos-log-tool 1.5-1 has been released. It fixes the old issue of the window being too large for small screens.
The layout inside the window has changed as well to take less space.
If you find any new issues with it, please report as soon as possible.
shows empty after selecting share logs over internet
[23:55:12] build :: xfce4-build ➜ ~ » eos-log-tool
==> Handling 'pkexec journalctl -b -0'
==> Handling 'inxi -Fxxc0z'
==> Handling 'cat /etc/pacman.conf'
==> Handling 'FuncCall ForeignPkgInfo'
==> Personal data removed.
==> Sending /home/build/eos-log-tool.logs to a pastebin service.
looks like an issue with (my ? ) eos-sendlog settings?
yes… seems wgetpaste is not working
it’s great solved by yad tricks? as it seems I can size it now also smaller as the text?
GNU nano 6.4 /etc/eos-log-tool.conf
# Configuration of the eos-log-tool app.
# EOS_LOG_TOOL_JOURNAL_OPTS can have any user given journalctl options.
# Default is
# "--since '20 minutes ago'"
# This can changed by setting the value below
# (and removing the preceding first character: #).
EOS_LOG_TOOL_JOURNAL_OPTS="--since '10 minutes ago'"
But it is a little bit slow on my Pi, let me reboot and try again.
Still seems a bit slow. Let me try the older version and compare the speed.
Yes, the old version (1.4.15-1) seems a lot after.
Also, choosing the online log option is still showing a notification for saving the logs locally. It isn’t doing that in the old version and that popup shouldn’t be there.
I’ve reinstalled the new version again and now it’s faster.