EndeavourOS is amazing

Hello! Thanks for checking out this silly post about my small and warm feelings for this distro since I’m new to linux. (bad English)

First of all, you guys are awesome! I mean, the EOS community is wonderful. I look at the forum, but it seems to take a walk in the friendly neighborhood. Everyone discusses something together or solves problems. I’m not the kind of person who will sign up for a forum account (I feel too embarrassed to ask anything myself), but this is an exception.

EndeavourOS is stated as a “terminal-centric” distribution and is based on Arch!! When I first saw it on distrowatch, my first reaction was, “Wow, that’s genius simple!” Making the installation process much easier and more comfortable is the GOAT. In addition, EOS follows some arch philosophy that makes it even better

My personal opinion after using this OS only for !!4 days!! is only positive. Tinkering with nvidia optimus, plymouth, wine and the most important learning something new is amazing. EndeavourOS and specially it’s team is amazing and I respect them and all what they have done to give us best experience possible!


Welcome to the purple side :enos: and yes EndeavourOS is awesome!


Welcome to the EndeavourOS forum. :purple_heart: I hope you enjoy your time here.


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Welcome to the forum and EOS

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“terminal-centric” a bit of hyperbole I’m glad you put it in quote marks. a couple things lack a GUI and easy to get used to.

yes, it’s a good friendly community. what’s better than that? a funny wise-guy community:). :clown_face:

what DE did you pick?

I’ve only been here 10 months and I get a rush from the tinkering and possibilities too. I’m solid here, I don’t worry about things, and as far as work, I am remarkably productive in Endeavour. I hope you find dependability, fun, and day-to-day accomplishment as well!

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Hello Dixxe! :wave:
It’s always a great pleasure to read about another user who is having a great experience with his software and above all, free software :wink:

The new techniques / fixes, learned almost everyday is certainly one of the key moral booster for us the users :smiley:
Many knowledgeable members and users of EndeavousOS / Arch are sharing a lot and it’s indeed very amazing !
Keep up the good news and have the best of good times! :vulcan_salute:
:enos: :enos_flag: :penguin_face:


Welcome the the forum and Endeavour OS. :enos_flag: :enos: :fist_right: :fist_left:

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Hey! Good to have you with us! There’s a lot more to discover and explore, time flies, enjoy the journey!

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There’s a lot of purple to absorb in this corner of the internet. You’ve made the right choice though. Welcome!

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Hi, @Dixxe welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy rolling with EndeavorOS as much as i do.

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Welcome here!

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I agree. I think what really helped it rise to the top tier in popularity was this forum, plus how active the devs are

It really feels like being part of a project that won’t be abandoned, and a community that is helpful and friendly


Def agree. While I’ve had a few little hiccups, I wanted an arch install without going from scratch as I -really- lack the attention span these days. The issues I have are minor enough that I’ll deal with em until they’re fixed.

Yeah, EndeavourOS is pretty good! :rofl: