EndeavourOS boots into console login, not KDE

For some reason, whenever booting from Grub, I’m presented with a console only login screen. I can log into it, but I don’t know how to actually get out of it and into the desktop environment (KDE).

Also sorry if I’m not providing enough information, this is my first time posting and I’m very nervous about the situation.

Did you uninstall some packages recently?

Either way, your only option is to login to the console and see what it going in.

Welcome @CertifiedHuman! :wave: :sunglasses: :enos_flag:

You might see if you can start KDE, once logged in.

  • To start a Plasma on Wayland session from a console, run
/usr/lib/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland
  • To start Plasma with xinit/startx, append export DESKTOP_SESSION=plasma and exec startplasma-x11 to your .xinitrc file or run directly in the console startx /usr/bin/startplasma-x11. If you want to start Xorg at login, please see Start X at login.


Of those, the easiest to quickly test may be:

startx /usr/bin/startplasma-x11

It actually works :slightly_smiling_face: thanks. But one thing, how could I have it go to the GUI by default?

SDDM is the default display manager for handling that. For some reason on your setup, it’s not starting. You might review the SDDM Wiki page and compare the recommended configuration to your own, to see what might be amiss.


You might also look here at “Loading the display manager” :

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