I am usng endavouros on ARM. Its using a complete outdated uboot version from 2015 instead of the recent 2022 uboot version.
endeavouros/uboot-odroid-n2plus 2015.01.189-3 (575.2 KiB 855.5 KiB) (Installed)
U-Boot for ODROID-N2/N2+
Recent u-boot is been used for example on the armbian releases for the odroid n2 https://www.armbian.com/odroid-n2/
The latest release of uboot that support the odroid n2 is v2022.07 . There is also since yesterday v2022.10-rc1 released.
Is it possible to update the outdated uboot odroid n2?
For help with using Arch Linux ARM, the forum and our IRC channel are the best places to receive support. You can find us at #archlinuxarm on irc.libera.chat.
Swapping uboot-odroid-n2plus-mailine on an existing install does not work. It won’t boot at all.
uboot-odroid-n2plus-mailine is much bigger, 2MB installed.
uboot-odroid-n2plus was only 855 KB installed.
So one may have allow more space before the start of sdX-1 during partitioning ??
I haven’t any time to try it tonight. Maybe tomorrow evening?
Its still uboot 2015.01 instead of uboot 2022.07. There are kind of worlds in between this two versions. Just take a look into the logfiles produced from 2015 uboot and 2022 uboot. Those look completely different.
Hopefully this example make my point more clear:
If i make a single change on Android 5.0 (the version that was latest when uboot 2015.01 was released) and then have a builddate from 2021, this dont make Android 5.0 equal Android 11 that was out at start of the year 2021. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_version_history
I still have this hope. Please update the fully outdated uboot version to current one. Using over 6 years old software versions is really not the arch-philosophy when an endless amount of updates is been released since then.
The uboot and linux-odroid that we are using are from tobetter, who is an Hardkernel employee and officially maintains those as part of his job.
Whenever they decide to update uboot to whatever is the latest version, we might do the same (if we have time).
This is like not updating the Arch Linux x86 Kernel when Linus Torvalds does not provide you with binaries. I was in hope when using a distro from a project, the people from the project at least compile the binaries.
So in other words, if a random person who is NOT part of endeavouros-ARM does not provide new versions, you would drop the support for the hardware? What are the rules for this? Missing updates for 6 months and thus critical security updates for more than 7 months not updated kernel are enough to drop the support for the Odroid N2 to not bring the users in danger?
Do you have any recommendations for a Linux Distro for the Odroid N2 other then Manjaro that have recent kernel updates?
Most of the hardware support for ARM devices isn’t developed in this project, we don’t have the technical expertise to do so. We use stuff from upstream including arch arm, archdroid, manjaro, and tobetter’s repos and package them in EndeavourOS arm. And we have credited those sources in our release notes.