Electron Apps fail to install from AUR

Hey all,

I’m trying to set my Pi 5 up as a desktop machine, which I did when I first bought it. I’m having issues installing apps built with electron. I recall having them functional on my last install, which would have been March-July of last year. Was there a change to how Electron is packaged? is there a workaround?

More specifically: I’ve received issues of not finding AUR packages for electron and electron33. Building apps from -git versions error out with exit status 4.

Far as I can see they exist.

Yes, they both seem to be available in the extra repo, so AUR is not needed.

Edit: but you are talking about ARM?

Oops, I thought I had posted this in the ARM category :sweat_smile: sorry about that

Edit: Moved to correct category. Checked my pacman.conf, and I do have the extra repo enabled


Please note that the list of packages is not the same in ARM and x86_64 systems.

I assume the ARM gurus here will help you soon. :smile:

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electron isn’t there in the archlinuxarm repos. Building arm packages from the AUR is hit or miss because most of the pkgbuilds are for x64 only.

The pkgbuilds for these aren’t there in the AUR anymore. Please try to find alternatives. What do you need electron for?

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That explains it, thank you. I guess I’ll have to stick to external package management for now. I mentioned that I was setting this up for desktop use, and two of my go-to apps (and the only two using electron) are FreeTube and Vesktop

Just install those two apps through the AUR. Should just work. Use the -bin versions, then you don’t need electron installed because it gets bundled in the binary.

I don’t know if there are any arm binaries. Generally AUR has binaries only for x64 packages. Very rarely do you see arm bins. Better to compile from scratch, but compiling electron is hard. I maybe did it in the past but I don’t remember anymore

Ah, sorry. I misread this post. Thought you meant it was the wrong category and it isn’t ARM.

What’s weird is I distinctly remember running them last year, and I know it wasn’t from Flatpak. I wish I remembered what I did, but I wiped that install after I got a bigger SD/set it up as a media machine

Here Brody can explain it

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