I don’t how many people have seen this, but I am very impressed with ML4W’s Hyprland setup.
I have set up Hyprland on my own in the past, but it was rudimentary at best. I didn’t stick with it. ML4W’s setup will have me using it regularly. The scripts and tools on this site really make Hyprland amazing.
If you are interested, there is a great YouTube video here: https://youtu.be/7xfepawIEz8?si=AE_xH8I2FXZ9_UrB
The Github site is here: https://github.com/mylinuxforwork/hyprland-starter
Sorry if this sounds like I am just hyping a site, but I am so impressed with the quality of the scripts and the work put in, I thought I would share it with the EOS family.
Have a great day!