I don’t how many people have seen this, but I am very impressed with ML4W’s Hyprland setup.
I have set up Hyprland on my own in the past, but it was rudimentary at best. I didn’t stick with it. ML4W’s setup will have me using it regularly. The scripts and tools on this site really make Hyprland amazing.
Sorry if this sounds like I am just hyping a site, but I am so impressed with the quality of the scripts and the work put in, I thought I would share it with the EOS family.
ML4W is now in the AUR if you want to use them. He offers both git version and standard. With the git version you get testing updates, with the other one you get updated after testing is done through git.
yay -S ml4w-hyprland
yay -S ml4w-hyprland-git
after which ever one you choose just type
follow the prompts and you are up and running. Remember as with anything Linux related YMMV.
ML4W’s are nice … my second hyprland test was with this… buts its too bloated. To moch bloated stuff → it looks realy well and its preconfigured for almost daily usage … but no → little choice …
But good work → for testing and showing friends how Cool Linux can be … for daily work no
But dots that you grab with this testing , can be good start .
basic setup has like litle over 700 packages … other stuff are bloated steam , electron apps …
With hyprland for most people is like … hey i can made this efect with 5 lines of code in config … but … everybody use that app with 40 dependecies and its more cool … and then you have bloated hyprland that is not taken seriusly for daily usage and thanks to that everytime you update you broke something because hyprland is in fast develop changing stuff on the fly … simple way is better … before i have broken waybar after almost every update … now … ROCK solid stable (no waybar)
‘There is no accounting for thee taste.’
I put onto EnOS No desktop + ML4W starter + dotfiles
I’ve learnt how to create Appimage. Fixed in default.conf bind = $mainMod CTRL, S, exec, ~/.config/ml4w/apps/ML4W_Settings_App-x86_64.AppImage bind = $mainMod CTRL, L, exec, com.ml4w.welcome
Installed kde-desktop alongside for imaginary users who hate memorizing shortcuts.
I still play with ml4w.
As I imagine a beginner can cope with ml4w flavored hyprland or
she/he chooses plasma session with just crystal-dock.
Definitely easy to install. Reverting back might not be as easy though.
I gave this a try on my laptop. Installed perfectly fine, fast and easy. I didn’t like it so I reverted back. Afterwards I couldn’t log back into my Plasma session. The password was not accepted, though I knew with 100% certainty it was correct. Turned out the user shell was still set to hyprland. Found a command to revert back to bash and then everything worked normally again. Just a heads up to anyone trying this out.
It’s a painless installation. I’ve tried both the Advanced Hyprland Configuration with all its bells and whistles and the Hyprland Starter’s entry-level install. Nice ways to try out those configs on top of a no-DE EndeavourOS install.
I’m not the target audience as I don’t use extensive ricing, decorations, or effects. It’s a nice environment to show what’s possible, though.
Another alternative I tried is nwg-shell via the live ISO, which provides both Sway and Hyprland logins. Sway was fine, Hyprland just re-entered nwg-hello greeter (because Nvidia, bleh). If you like GTK, then the Hyprland version may be another good fit over EndeavourOS.
Still questing for a tiling WM with just a bit more automated window management** than i3wm, with Sway looking like the better choice. My laptop’s Nvidia chip causes me far more headaches than benefits trying to work with Sway and Hyprland but it’s what I have to work with.
**I just want automated window tiling. Is that too much to ask?
Nice setup script. Very polished and well done. May run this for a few days and see how it goes. Usually my biggest issues have been bluetooth and Zoom but then again, they are issues no matter what DE I use . . .
Follow up. Had to play footsie with the configs to swap my monitors, no surprise there. I setup a new user to try this out so I didn’t want polluted configs. Zoom was not starting, I pulled my config from the other user and got that working. The simple answer there is wave a dead chicken over the monitor and recite the ancient tongue . . . but it worked. May have to change the font on the waybar