Duplicating network thing on bspwm reload

Hi, i have had this issue since i started using the bspwm community ed, when i reload bspwm the network thing duplicates

network thing
network thing after

(in the before there should be only one network thing, but when i screenshotted i had already reloaded)

@arandomperson, Welcome to the forum.
That network thing is firewall-applet.
When you restart bspwm with Super+Alt+r the previous process is not killed.
An ugly workaround:
modify this section of ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc

# restart bspwm
super + alt + r

# quit bspwm
super + alt + q
	bspc quit


killall firewall-applet
bspc wm -r

(chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/scripts/restart.sh)


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