Do you backup your important data to any cloud storage ? Which one?

That was really super easy but one problem. After running the backup I looked at the destination folder & I couldn’t find my KeePassXC database file. So if I want to restore a back I need Vorta ?

This is how the destination looks like


Yes, this is how real backup systems work

Technically you only need borg since vorta is just a front-end.

If you want a solution that does rsync based versioning, you could use backintime.

Tested backintime & it did what I want. I chose back in time. Thanks.

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Which option in backintime does this?
Is it the checksum option or something different?

Backup a file or a folder with backintime by clicking on “take snapshot”. Then modify the source file or simply add a new file to the source folder & click on “take snapshot” again.

It has been a while since I used it but I thought that was the default behavior.

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Backintime asked me if I want to create a schedule for the backup so I did but when I closed backintime its completely gone. There is no tray icon like Vorta so I am worried. Is backintime running is background for running the the backup as per schedule ?

It uses the cron. Check your crontab. crontab -l

Found the entry. Thanks.

$ crontab -l
#Back In Time system entry, this will be edited by the gui:
0 */12 * * * /usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/bin/backintime backup-job >/dev/null

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Thanks for your explanation. I am using backintime as my daily backup system.
My question was regarding the versioning @dalto mentioned.

OK. I will check during my next backup run what kind of options backintime is using for rsync and will report back.

As far as I know backintime calls “versioning” snapshots. Or am I wrong ?
Since you are already using backintime on a regular basis please tell me.
I just modified the file that I am backing up with backintime & clicked on take snapshot and a new snapshot aka version is created.

Snapshots vs Backups

Snapshots are a practical way to manage versioning and create light, easily accessible data or system versions. They don’t need a lot of storage space or time to create copies.

Backups are unique copies of a system or directory that are stored on a different, often external, location. These are large-scale performances that are done periodically as protection in case of server failure or data loss.

Source :

A snapshot is not the same as a version generally speaking. A snapshot is a view of the files at a certain point in time.

However, if you are only backing up a single file, I suppose that a snapshot would be the same as versions. However, I suspect very few people use BiT to backup a single file.

That definition of snapshots isn’t applicable here. By that definition the “snapshots” that BiT creates are “backups” :woozy_face:

Even if that case I am lucky I achieved what I was looking for. I just want multiple copies of my KeepassXC database. One copy per week. All of them are getting uploaded to Mega. I just selected the destination folder of BiT as the source folder of Mega.

As @dalto wrote BiT is using the term “snapshot” not completly correct. The definition of a snapshot is something different.
BiT is using rsync and makes copies of all data you want to backup at a specific timestamp. Rsync does have the capability to check whether the data has to be copied or if it already exists in the previous backup. If yes it only creates a link to this previously backuped data in your backup repository.
Because of the timestamp you are able to restore your data back to the timestamp you want, regardless at what timestamp it was added to your backup repository.

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I checked the command line options BiT is using to launch rsync and I did not find a special option on rsync that is used by BiT regarding some versioning of the backup data. As mentioned from @dalto it seems to be the default behaviour of BiT or rsync.

It isn’t doing something special with rsync. It is creating a new version if the current file is different than the most recent one it has. That way there will then be 2 versions.

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I use You can remote-mount yourself, you can use their sync (almost like onedrive or icloud), and it is in Switzerland which gives me a mild sense of comfort. They also have “just backup” solutions but I haven’t tried them.

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