Display position problem - i3wm move to the other monitor but opposite direction

I am a quite newbie to linux installed i3wm and default in live ISO.
Found myself enjoying configuring things.
However I encountered a displaying problem. I have identical two monitors connected with hdmi and dp. Hdmi is on the left dp is on the right physically located.
But display show in diversed order so when I want to move focus to the left monitor I have to press mod + right,

to configure this problem I ran command

xrandr --output HDMI --left-of DP-1

(right-of is not working!)

seems to switched and solved direction problem with mouse ( now I can go through middle) but by keyboard I still have to press mod + right(l) to move focus left monitor plus when mouse pointer is on monitor 2 actually monitor 1 is focused it leads to me can’t click it’s like drawing screen pad with a pen looking at monitor. very weird I tried to narrow down the problem whether i3 problem or xrandr problem, I am not really sure what is really making trouble.

I also did reboot in case.
I can’t seem to find my case. please help!

Hello @sangyong
I just wanted to welcome you to EOS Welcome to an amazing place to learn and solve issues. I don’t use i3wm, but I may fire up a live ISO soon.

The closest I see to your problem is I3wm manage multiscreen setup? Maybe take a look through the i3 category.

Thanks for your reply!

I ran live-ISO again. this time I installed sway testing if it’s the same I will inform the result as soon I get the answer. by the way sway has giant lag… it also did last time I installed endeavouros for the first time.

I installed Manjaro just before this. It was the same.
I use RTX 3050 though would it be the problem? I didn’t see any one having symtoms like me

I solved it by installing endivia driver

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