Ever since this update my second monitor (on the right) has some kind of strange display issue: https://i.imgur.com/dHn9a01.png.
I use the nvidia proprietary driver. If I stop picom, it displays as it should, but I had to start using picom as gtk app had strange black box around window dialogues otherwise. The second monitor still works though, I can play a movie on it without any issue and it displays fine on xfce and gnome.
I start the second monitor with xrandr on i3 by doing:
arandr helps you to produce monitor.sh in ~/.screenlayout
Move your monitors on the screen, Ctrl+Return commits, Layout/ Save As monitor.sh chmod +x ~/.screenlayout/monitor.sh
In my case the layout is the opposite:
cat .screenlayout/monitor.sh
xrandr --output eDP-1 --primary --mode 1600x900 --pos 1600x0 --rotate normal --output HDMI-1 --mode 1600x900 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal
AFAIK, you don’t need an xorg.conf file, unless you have issues without one. Even then, you only add the absolute minimum configuration inside such a file, if you create one.
OTOH, have you tried other backends for picom, apart from xrender? Try glx or xr_glx_hybrid. Anyway, read picom manual for fine-tuning configuration, and/or troubleshooting the issue (man picom).
Ok, so I tried to delete xorg.conf, it didnt work and created some other issues. I fiddled with picom.conf and couldnt find one parameter that made the issue disappear. So as a workaround I ended up modifying my i3 config file so that it also reruns the feh background command when I start my second monitor and it worked.