Thanks for this! I just installed i3wm via online installer last weekend. In the meantime did you make any changes/updates to the battery indicator script?
Just wondering because I have been running into trouble with my battery indicator discharge % and charge/discharge time with numbers that do not make sense to me. Probably unrelated to i3wm, but if anyone else has this problem would be good to know.
It started since the last larger recent upgrade/update of python that borked the nvidia driver and optimus-manager due to a version mismatch on AUR… I reinstalled all my drivers and optimus, and actually also EOS, it seems to work well now but not the battery indicator which sporadically works. By that I mean it is accurate, then suddenly changes from 60% and 4h battery life to 10% and 6min battery life and is stuck at such value. I can make a separate thread for this once I did some more research about this. Don’t want to hijack this thread with own problem…
I also recently did a post on high dpi setup using i3wm on lenovo, that may be useful for some people. Still working out the kinks to get it working on multiple monitors.