Davinci Resolve—No keyboard shortcuts

Hi folks.

I’m somewhat new to EndeavourOS (only switched a few weeks ago; loving it so far!) and although 99% of everything is either working perfectly or something I could get working with a little time, I’m having a problem with Davinci Resolve that I just can’t fathom out.

The keyboard shortcuts don’t work. No CTRL+Z, CTRL+C, CTRL+V, no SPACE to play/pause video playback, no CTRL+B to split a clip, nothing. It makes the software practically unusable for me by slowing my workflow down terribly.

But the keyboard isn’t completely undetected by Resolve; if I click on a text field, I can type away merrily. And in the keyboard shortcuts menu in Resolve itself (which has all the correct shortcuts preconfigured), the UI responds correctly when I press keys, and I can set keyboard shortcuts of my own (which do not actually function).

I’m at a loss, really. This and MS Word are the only things I miss from Windows.

As is recommended on the ArchWiki, I installed Resolve via the AUR package davinci-resolve using paru. I’m using the KDE Plasma desktop, my keyboard is a Razer Blackwidow V2 (I have not installed OpenRazer, however), I’m running on AMD x86_64 architecture (Ryzen 5 2600X) with Nvidia graphics (RTX 3060 Ti), and I’m using the linux-zen kernel (because without it Waydroid doesn’t work. Rebooting into the standard kernel doesn’t fix this problem though!).

I’ve tried asking on the Resolve forums; by the time my post gets approved there are twenty or thirty topics with more recent activity, so it’s already off the main page and no one responds.

Please help. I really don’t want to have to boot into Windows just to use this one programme.

Are you using Wayland or X11?

If Wayland, try using X11 instead and see if the issue still exists.

You can change on the login screen - bottom left corner.

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I was using Wayland. Looks like switching to X11 fixes it… Interesting.

Now the question is, is there a way to deal with this while still using Wayland?

Wayland is still developing and has all kinds of strange quirks (it was more of a shot in the dark than a fully reasoned fix :sweat_smile:), so perhaps some of the more experienced regulars could suggest something specific that may bridge the gap.

You should be fine to use x11 generally, though - it’s still very much the “standard” while Wayland is still going through its awkward growth phase.

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Fair. Thank you very much.

I do hope someone comes along with a fix; but if they don’t, you’ve at least given me a usable workaround. :slight_smile:

I did just do a quick search for my own curiosity and apparently it’s due to an issue with the KDE Global Menu and Davinci Resolve under Wayland specifically.

One suggested workaround is to edit the shortcut you’re using for DR and replace Exec= with

Exec=qdbus org.kde.kded6 /kded org.kde.kded6.unloadModule “appmenu” && /opt/resolve/bin/resolve %u && qdbus org.kde.kded6 /kded org.kde.kded6.loadModule “appmenu”

Which will disable the conflicting component when you open DR, and re-enable it when you close it.

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Hmm. I tried that, perhaps I did it wrong, but it doesn’t start at all with that.

I did it from this in the Application Launcher:
Under the Application tab, I put what you pasted there into the Arguments field. (By default, it just says %u)

I tried manually editing ~/.local/share/applications/DaVinciResolve.desktop to have the Exec= line you gave, but while the programme starts now, the Wayland keyboard issue isn’t fixed.

I’ve played around with it a bit…

I can’t figure out how to work it into the shortcut, but I can separately run
qdbus org.kde.kded6 /kded org.kde.kded6.unloadModule "appmenu"
and then launch Resolve, load a project, and keyboard shortcuts work fine. Then I can just run
qdbus org.kde.kded6 /kded org.kde.kded6.loadModule "appmenu"
and the appmenu starts up again and the keyboard shortcuts work—although there is no appmenu for Resolve, meaning Timeline Settings and such are inaccessible.

EDIT: As long as I don’t run the second one till I close Resolve, the appmenu dropdowns still appear at the top of the Resolve window. So, while it is slightly clunky I have to run these two commands, it is a usable workaround!

Particularly if I add a couple of aliases to make these two unwieldy commands a bit easier…
In ~/.bashrc

alias resolve_start='qdbus org.kde.kded6 /kded org.kde.kded6.unloadModule "appmenu"'
alias resolve_stop='qdbus org.kde.kded6 /kded org.kde.kded6.loadModule "appmenu"'

An imperfect, slightly janky, slightly clunky workaround, but a workaround nonetheless. :slight_smile:

Now, if only I could figure out a way to properly automate it so these commands run by themselves when I open and close Resolve like they were supposed to in your Exec= line, that would be just perfect, as far as workarounds go.