Ctrl+Shift+Q broken in i3wm

I tried using Ctrl+Shift+Q to quit, only works on the terminal; later found it Mod1+C works
Also, nitrogen closes itself when I try setting a wallpaper for some reason.


EndeavourOS i3 uses some custom keybindings. For a complete list hit mod+f1.

When using nitrogen make sure you have the wallpaper in the correct folder.


if you dont like it try changing it in ~/.config/i3/config


As noted, you can change any keybindings you want in the config file.

nano ~/.config/i3/config

That’s the glory of i3/sway/bspwm, ect. To get these working as a “distro” varient someone needs to build a config file. for quit, I personally always use meta+shift+x so I changed that immediately.

As for your nitrogen issue, can you run nitrogen from terminal and set wallpaper please. When it crashes again, post up the entirety of the terminal output. Maybe we can see what’s going on there.

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