Could I get little help with BlueMail

First of all, I just installed BlueMail about an hour ago. Trying to run Bluemail gives me this error message

2022-9-17 8:10:58 :: APP child-process-gone, uptimeSeconds: 0, exitCode: 159, reason: crashed, type: GPU, serviceName: GPU, name: na 
[10006:0917/] GPU process isn't usable. Goodbye.

Now checking the comments on it seems to be possible to get around this by adding the parameter --disable-gpu-sandbox in the file bluemail-flags.conf
I however do not have this file, and I am not very comfortable in making it.

Checking their github account I ran across this post
which mentiones to change Exec=/opt/Simplenote/simplenote %U to Exec=/opt/Simplenote/simplenote --no-sandbox %U in the file /usr/share/applications/simplenote.desktop, which is also a file I do not have.

Now running bluemail --disable-gpu-sandbox does work, but to be honest, I would love to be able to click the launcher and have it work.

I have not been able to find another solution and I am wondering if I have to wait for upstream to update electron or if I am missing something.

perhaps you could make a custom desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications.

Have a look here:

For doing the same with a GUI app, you could use alacarte:

$ pacman -Si alacarte
Repository      : extra
Name            : alacarte
Version         : 1:3.44.2-1
Description     : Menu editor for gnome
Architecture    : any
URL             :
Licenses        : LGPL
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : gnome-menus  python-gobject  python-cairo  gtk3
Optional Deps   : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 99.39 KiB
Installed Size  : 330.06 KiB
Packager        : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <>
Build Date      : Sat 18 Jun 2022 05:16:52 PM CEST
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

First, creating a file and putting a single line in it shouldn’t be a big deal. We can provide assistance with that if you need it.

That being said, I can’t recommend running this application. It isn’t using a slightly out-of-date version of Electron. It is using an absolutely ancient version. Nothing should be using Electron 13 at this point. Especially something where security is important like an email program.

If that wasn’t concern enough it is also comes with a giant EULA from amazon and is a snap that is being unpacked and installed.

Yeah, I did notice that prehistoric version of Electron.

I am currently in the phase of finding better email application than Evolution. I like the user interface a lot better in BlueMail, buuut that Electron thing.

Agreed on this. one liners aren’t that difficult, However making a file which has to have these and these parameters is something I have never done.

I actually did not notice this part while skimming through the application. I guess BlueMail is going to get the ol’ -R treatment from me.

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