Connection failed to all mirrors

Using the welcome app, I am clicking on both update mirrors and selecting the country I live in and the countries around it. But when I hit save and speed ranking is about to happen, they seemingly all say connection failed.

Why is that?

I have internet. I can browse the web from the same machine, and running a common local (to me) internet speed test shows about the rates I expect.

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What does it say if you try to update your system:

sudo pacman -Syu


Post the whole of the output from the command above.

Also, you could try refreshing your Arch’ mirrors as follows and see if it will work:

reflector --latest 7 --sort rate --protocol https | sudo tee /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

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Are you connected to the internet via VPN?

Thank you for the tip! That seems to have run through the entire update process, and then it reaches this stage where I see the same fail message:

But it at least seems to have updated now, which it didn’t do through the button in the welcome app!

Typing that second command (after the recommended reboot) shows me this:

No, I do not use a vpn.

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Nothing has failed. The warning is just informative, informing you about that specific mirror.

It looks ok.

Another tool that you may want to look at is rate-mirrors.

You can install it with pacman and run something like the following as an example:

For Arch:

rate-mirrors --protocol https arch | sudo tee /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

For EnOS:

rate-mirrors --protocol https endeavouros | sudo tee /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist

If you initial issue is resolved, please mark the relevant post giving the solution by checking the solution box under it.


Thank you for the information!

I must confess, the first time I used the “update system” button in the welcome app, one of the packages (firefox) timed out during download, and ended the update process so that’s why I wanted to use those two “update mirrors” buttons.

But now I know to ignore those warnings and use the terminal command to update it (if I can remember it).

I do think those Update Mirrors button try to run some flavor of “rate mirrors” because I see that text but never any speed indication or any pass indication…

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I haven’t used the EnOS’s apps/scripts for this purpose for quite a while so I am not sure how things are done.

reflector-simple which launches the gui for refreshing the Arch’s mirrorlist uses reflector behind the scene.

For the rest, I don’t remember quite well. Others using those tools may be able to give you more info on them.

I endorse wholeheartedly this approach. Personally, I feel to be more in control and the process is more transparent.

When in the terminal, press the up-arrow to step back through your terminal history, until you get to the command you’re looking for.

You can also list a terminal command history (history), then filter it (grep) for the results you’re after. eg:

history | grep rate
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