Everything works, everything completely suits me. Thanks for the help!
Bravo @newuserskay, so it was a better idea to make a clean install, you see your System and Home on your conky as well.
Your SYSTEM is really big with 287Go ? In fact 30Go is almost the maximum for a SYSTEM Linux, You don’t need more. So imagine, you could add 257Go to your /HOME partition, this is possible with GPARTED to resize your partition to get 257 + 595 = 852G
The steps to follow in GPARTED :
1/ resize your SYSTEM from 287G to 30G which will give you an empty space of 257G
2/ resize now your HOME from 595 to 852G in using the empty space created before
I assume that the second word is a typo? In US slang, that is actually quite hilarious.
Thanks, you just made my day.
Conky is a dangerous word when you are not english.
That’s called “Lost in translation”
But believe me, your English is WAY WAY better than I would be in your native tongue. Now that would be hilarious.
I know just a little bit of Espanol, and also just a little bit of Deutsche.
I’ve had Endeavor running great now for awhile.
Also running great with my conkys.
However, what pleases me most is after years of wishing, going into the 2020 new year,
I’ve finally achieved the awesomeness of triple monitor status!!!
Now I’ve got room to spread out the conkys…hhmmm maybe make more lol
For anyone wanting a selection of ‘out of the box’ Conkys to choose from both MX Linux and Voyager provide quite a lot. Without installing either you can pick those you want from a live session and copy them out for future use. Using Conky Manager most will work on another system but some will need adjustment.
Another source of conkys is Arcolinux, accessed the same way. There are also some old (LARGE) threads on Ubuntuforums with a lot of conky info - more oriented to creating your own, though - and giving ideas.
Is this menu something you may be interested in?
I’ve been working on it on and off, written in pyqt5 using code editor, while it is still not done, I can provide the code if you like so you can edit it the way you want.
I just run the menu itself, and I can turn stuff on/off as I wish.
I had planned on it doing a great many things, just haven’t gotten there yet,
and it it very easy to change around what you want it to look like and what you want it to do.
I’ll reply lager today.
And now it is lager (later) today. Yes, I would like that. It will need some tweaking on my behalf, as I am one of those “less is more” guys.
I love my bells and whistles, but I like them to be very low key.
If you’re still up for it I’d love to have a look at the code.
I’ve been using code oss as it keeps the format so you’ll want to past it in that.
If you like I can zip up what I have if you’d like the icons and stuff, but whatever directory you have it in just do
$ python3 1_conky-sandwich-menu.py
in my conky-startup.sh file I put
sleep 60 && python3 "/home/major/.conky/My_conky/Sandwich_Menu/1_conky-sandwich-menu.py" &
As I said if you have any issues running it, I can zip up what I have to eliminate copy & paste issues.
I also have python-pyqt5 installed
…ok well tried to post the code but it was too many characters
So here is a link to zip file anyway, has sound, background images and icons. The scripts folder has a generic browser written in python. I had there more for the purpose of testing links for the menu buttons.
I’d love to see what you or anyone does with it and I haven’t run it in the console for awhile so idk if it shows any errors, but it still loads and works everyday.
Apologies for the test files in the folders lol
Originally, the way this was supposed to work was with Conky-Sandwich as well as turn conkies on and off, but if you where running Conky Sandwich, the download buttons would get whatever recipe you wanted 1 thru 4 or all 4 and save them to pdf file for you. Buttons 1 & 2 work, just never got around to the other 3.
Thanks for sharing!
Right now I’m working a lot, but of course I’ll post the results when I get around to it.
Not sure how this should work - but I think this is the right place to post it… ?
There has been a new release of conkywx, which is a conky toolkit that enables very nice weather coverage on screen. It has grown over the years, and includes a lot of other widgets as well, scroller, smooth scroller, music display, news display, bargraphs, calendar, clocks, enhanced text display and so on. The weather displays include multiple gauge types - anemometer, barometer, windvane, vertical gauges and so on. It can also track other things such as tides at a location, air quality, moon and sun astronomical data, GDACS and seismic info. Here are a couple of links and pix to give you the idea if you haven’t happened across it before:
A desktop at work
A video of multiple locations’ weather in ‘flip mode’
And the place to get it for yourself if you have any interest in increasing your conky capabilities
Lots of help available if you get into it - even through here from me too!
Convert to 1080p
Inspired by @joekamprad with the support of @librewish I got involved in building ISO’s, especially for i3wm, which started with graphics for logo, wallpaper and settings-icons and and ended with creating Packages-Desktop’s in gitlab
One more covid19 crisis like this and I’ll build my own arch-linux
A pro pos, best wishes and soon recovery wishes to @Bryanpwo.
so you have an LiveISO starting with i3?
and full
Doesn’t look that different from ArcoLinux - its live ISO is XFCE, OpenBox and i3wm.
Its is OT
but @librewish create KDE-Gaming Editions and I ask for help create a i3wm.
The look and feeling for most of all Linux Distributions are the same.
It is a Playground for me , for my settings and wishes and I can share my “art” how I like.
First time I heard from ArcoLinux. let me search.
Just in case anyone was looking for the VOLUME code, it took a bit, but in my system
Amixer - ${exec amixer get Master -M | awk 'END{gsub(/\[|\]|*%/,""); print $5}'} ${goto 120} Pulse Digital - ${exec echo `(pactl list sinks | grep "Volume:")| awk '{print $5}' | sed -n '3p'`}
Pulse Master - ${exec echo `(pactl list sinks | grep "Volume:")| awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/,//' | sed -n '5p'` } ${goto 120} Pulse HDMI - ${exec echo `(pactl list sinks | grep "Volume:")| awk '{print $5}' | sed -n '1p'`}
Mic - ${exec amixer get Mic -M | awk 'END{gsub(/\[|\]|*%/,""); print $8}'}
This is a mix of Amixer and pulse Audio to output the volume to conky.
Note - for some reason the Mic volume doesn’t show right away with what I have but does eventually, so if some has a better way, please post the code.
The current code does
Pulse digital
Pulse Master
Pulse HDMI
and Mic Volume
The Mic volume is still a bit dodgey, but it was showing at one point.
If anyone has a better fix, please post.