Compose key not working

I wanted to enable compose key, which worked on my old laptop, however it doesn’t for some reason on the new laptop

I tried choosing in the settings as compose key right Ctrl, right Alt, caps lock - neither one worked and they continued to behave as per their usual functions
I dunno if this is relevant, but I’m using fcitx for Japanese input (which I tried disabling) and by default run KDE on Wayland (but switching back to x11 didnt make it work either)

Do anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

Given I have no idea what your system config looks like all I can offer are a few ideas:

  • Wayland & x11 are not interchangeable and require different settings.
  • Conduct internet search(es) on 1: KDE Wayland compose key settings 2: KDE x11 compose key settings

That should provide you some clues.