Command 'pacman' returned non-zero exit status 1

the latest version endeavouros cassini nova r3
install the kde enviroment

2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     .. Target cmd: ("pacman", "-S", "--noconfirm", "--noprogressbar", "--needed", "--disable-download-timeout", "libwnck3", "mesa-utils", "xf86-input-libinput", "xorg-xdpyinfo", "xorg-server", "xorg-xinit", "xorg-xinput", "xorg-xkill", "xorg-xrandr", "xf86-video-amdgpu", "b43-fwcutter", "broadcom-wl-dkms", "dhclient", "dnsmasq", "dnsutils", "ethtool", "iwd", "modemmanager", "networkmanager", "networkmanager-openconnect", "networkmanager-openvpn", "nss-mdns", "openssh", "usb_modeswitch", "wpa_supplicant", "xl2tpd", "firewalld", "python-pyqt5", "python-capng", "pacman-contrib", "pkgfile", "rebuild-detector", "reflector", "yay", "accountsservice", "bluez", "bluez-utils", "ffmpegthumbnailer", "libdvdcss", "libgsf", "libopenraw", "mlocate", "poppler-glib", "xdg-user-dirs", "xdg-utils", "efitools", "haveged", "nfs-utils", "nilfs-utils", "ntp", "smartmontools", "unrar", "unzip", "xz", "adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts", "adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts", "adobe-source-han-sans-kr-fonts", "cantarell-fonts", "freetype2", "noto-fonts", "ttf-bitstream-vera", "ttf-dejavu", "ttf-liberation", "ttf-opensans", "alsa-firmware", "alsa-plugins", "alsa-utils", "pavucontrol", "pipewire-pulse", "wireplumber", "pipewire-alsa", "pipewire-jack", "rtkit", "dmidecode", "dmraid", "hdparm", "hwdetect", "lsscsi", "mtools", "sg3_utils", "sof-firmware", "power-profiles-daemon", "upower", "git", "ark", "audiocd-kio", "bluedevil", "dolphin", "gwenview", "kcalc", "kate", "kdeconnect", "kde-gtk-config", "khotkeys", "kinfocenter", "kinit", "kio-fuse", "konsole", "kscreen", "kwallet-pam", "okular", "plasma-desktop", "plasma-disks", "plasma-nm", "plasma-pa", "powerdevil", "print-manager", "sddm-kcm", "solid", "spectacle", "xsettingsd", "cups", "cups-filters", "cups-pdf", "foomatic-db", "foomatic-db-engine", "foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds", "foomatic-db-nonfree", "foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds", "foomatic-db-ppds", "ghostscript", "gsfonts", "gutenprint", "splix", "system-config-printer", "hplip", "python-pyqt5", "python-reportlab", "cups", "cups-filters", "cups-pdf") Exit code: 1 (no output) 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [2]: WARNING: [PYTHON JOB]: "Command 'pacman' returned non-zero exit status 1." 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "stdout:None" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: "stderr:None" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]: virtual void Calamares::JobThread::run()
    Skipping non-emergency job "配置 LUKS key 文件。" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "Dracut 的“/”分区未加密,因而跳过写入 LUKS 配置" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "配置 <pre>sudo</pre> 用户。" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "正在准备群组。" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "创建用户 jie" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "设置用户 jie 的密码" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "设置用户 root 的密码" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "设置主机名 jie-laptop" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "networkcfg" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "displaymanager" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "hwclock" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "Remove unneeded ucode" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "eos_script" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "eos_script" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "eos_bootloader" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "grubcfg" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "windowsbootentry" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "bootloader" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "services-systemd" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "保存文件以供日后使用" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Skipping non-emergency job "将日志和文件从主机复制到目标" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     ..  Starting EMERGENCY JOB "卸载文件系统。" ( 40 / 40 ) 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]: Calamares::JobResult unmountTargetMounts(const QString&)
    Read 7 entries from "/tmp/calamares-root-6eq87xw4/" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     .. Running ("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-6eq87xw4/sys/firmware/efi/efivars") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:20 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-6eq87xw4/sys") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-6eq87xw4/run/udev") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-6eq87xw4/run") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-6eq87xw4/proc") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-6eq87xw4/dev") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("umount", "-lv", "/tmp/calamares-root-6eq87xw4/boot/efi") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("udevadm", "settle") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. Running ("sync") 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [1]: void Calamares::ViewManager::onInstallationFailed(const QString&, const QString&)
    ERROR: Installation failed: "软件包管理器错误" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. - message: "软件包管理器错误" 
2023-10-22 - 22:52:21 [6]:     .. - details: 软件包管理器无法对已安装的系统进行更改。命令<pre>pacman</pre>返回错误代码1。

Are you in a geography that github is blocked?

If so, in the package selection screen, uncheck solid. We hotfixed that issue but you may not be getting the hotfix.

1 Like

yes, I am using the china network, can not access the github ererytime.

thanks,my problem has been solved

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