Chromebook install

Excellent! I am still using my 2015 Toshiba CB. It may go another couple years.

Oh, I put a much bigger 128gb SSD in mine too. The 4gb or 8gb it came with wouldn’t do, obviously.

Ya. I retired mine a long time ago. 4gb ram and 32 gb disk space is pretty futile. They want you to cloud!

It shows it’s supported on mrchromebox site.

Edit: I may try it or not because it’s a 360 2 in 1 with touch screen so there may be just too many issues with that. Although with the uefi firmware coreboot i could put Windows on it. :laughing:

If you flash firmware then ChromeOS won’t boot.

Looks like there is a new project on the block for Chromebook installs

EDIT: Looks like the previous link died. Here’s a working one with more info:

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