Changing brightness with FN keys is not working

Changing brightness is not working with FN keys on Lenovo Yoga S740. I don’t know if it’s hardware related or not. The ls /sys/class/backlight command gives the following output intel_backlight. Since FN+11 and FN+F12 keys have functionalities in the system, I assume changing brightness should work with F11 and F12 keys.

are you using a DE or wm like i3? you can try to give a command in the terminal to check which if brightness works. For example

xbacklight +10

perhaps sudo pacman -S xorg-xbacklight might be worth a shot

I’m using Gnome,. It would be awesome the brightness would work from the keyboard

i would bet it is somehow hardware related on this devices ?

Since I got output after running ls /sys/class/backlight it might not be hardware related, but you might be right.