Changing brightness isn't working

Hey guys! I’ve been using Endeavour as a daily driver for a few months and I’m absolutely in love with it. However, there’s been this issue since I installed it where changing the brightness doesn’t work.
I’m using BSPWM with X11, and for the longest time I’ve been thinking it may be an Nvidia issue since it uses the hybrid model thing, so I’ll be leaving my specs below just in case. I also did the yay -S xbacklight thingie just in case but nothing changed :frowning:

Thanks in advance!

Not sure if you are using grub or systemd boot but you could add try the following kernel parameters. If using grub they get added to the default grub command line and then run the update grub command. If systemd-boot they get added to the kernel command line and then run the kernel reinstall command. I’m not sure this will work. You’ll have to try it.

pcie_aspm=force acpi_osi=
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What are your shortcuts set to?


    brightnessctl set 10%+

    brightnessctl set 10%-


    brightnessctl set 10%+

    brightnessctl set 10%-

Might have to install brightnessctl.

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Yep, XF86 + brightnessctl works perfectly, much appreciated guys! :slight_smile:

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