CAPTCHA prompts are becoming insufferable

What you see is what the site owner has setup.

I have tested google recaptcha and there is a choice - a simple I am not a robot or the buses, trafficlight, mountain puzzle.

I believe - though I have no proof - the google recaptcha script does fingerprint and profile your browser - which means - unless other precautions is implemented - they most likelly already know you.

A choice for the developer who implements it, I assume? I have never had an option - as a user - to choose between I am not a robot or the puzzles.

I would bet on it.

right - that was what I meant to say :slight_smile:

This is the library used

I love the captcha prompts gives me something to do during my boring days Lol :wink:

You need a hobby :smiley:.

I did once it was called marriage and kids i’m still trying to give it up Lol :wink:

Needed to create a Discord account, who it turns out has the absolute worst account creation process I have ever seen. Here is what I had to do:

  1. Fill in details, including date of birth.
  2. Pass two page captcha
  3. Verify email
  4. Pass two page captcha
  5. Not enough. Provide your phone number. Sigh…
    5.b I do not want to provide a phone number. Attempt to contact support, who ‘cannot lift phone verification requirements’…
  6. Enter phone verification code
  7. Pass two page captcha
  8. Logged in
  9. Account auto disabled seconds after being let in.
  10. Contact support once more via their form
  11. Pass two page captcha
  12. Log in to your email and respond to their automated email, or else your support request will be removed. No mention of this on their site, so you better read their email…

I miss the time when online accounts were reasonably anonymous and all you needed to register was a username and a password.

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Kind of tells you something about the intended use-case for Discord…

(It’s a horrible walled garden that people need to stop using)


Kill it before it let eggs!


Completely agree, but have you tried asking the average person to switch to something like Matrix? No one but privacy oriented people see any reason to abandon Discord. Most people I know love it and remain oblivious to Discord’s practices or simply do not care.


I never used Discord and I don’t feel like I missed out on something. I still don’t fully understand what exactly the purpose of Discord is. I know that in the beginning it was meant for gamers but it seems to have evolved to much more / anything else now.

I think at this point it’s become a convenient multi-purpose tool for people. It’s a communication app which offer text chat, voice and video calls, the ability to stream something ‘privately’ to a friend, quick file sharing and a never-ending list of communities where you can find like-minded people. I think it’s approaching a point where reddit would consider Discord a threat to their userbase based on the sole fact that Discords communities seem to be replacing a lot of smaller subreddits.

Discord have also done well to capture a wide audience. As you mentioned at first it was marketed towards gamers, but now it seems to have become almost universal. Anecdotal evidence: I had a conversation with a female colleague a while back. She has no interest in video games or technology, but she used Discord to talk to her friends, and I think this is the key difference compared to previous tools (Mumble, Ventrilo etc) - Discord is - at this point - something you could recommend to anyone. Hard to do that with Ventrilo back in the day.

Having said that. I would rather it wasn’t data-hoarding spyware, but reaching mass adoption is a lot easier with financial backing and foss tools rarely have that.

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Yeah, that’s what I thought. Sounds like a mix of Reddit, Facebook, Telegram and Google Drive :wink: I guess it can be handy to have all this in one app but as you said, the amount of data you have to share to use it is a turn off. If a service wants my phone number just to sign up that’s a huge warning sign anyway!

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I have something similar in client sites…

They will probably say it’s for AI training purposes…

Take a look at XEN and Qemu + KVM