Can't run AppImages anymore - "Segmentation fault" error

Hi there,

I would be extremely grateful for any help.

I can´t run AppImages anymore. Today I just discovered that. I boot my machine and noticed that a given AppImage set for automatic start does not launched.

So I tried to run it through terminal, and received the below error:

Falha de segmentação (imagem do núcleo gravada)

This message means something like : "Segmentation fault (core image "recorded “)”.

This is now happening for all AppImages I have: I can’t run them anymore.

Any idea about what could be the cause, please?

I am running EndeavourOS with Gnome. Also, below is an output from inxi, if needed:

CPU: quad core Intel Core i7-7700HQ (-MT MCP-)
speed/min/max: 1428/800/3800 MHz Kernel: 6.4.6-arch1-1 x86_64 Up: 1m
Mem: 2.84/15.51 GiB (18.3%) Storage: 2.24 TiB (33.9% used) Procs: 262
Shell: Bash 5.1.16 inxi: 3.3.28

Thanks in advance.

Hi guys,

So, I discovered what was causing the problem. Unfortunately, it was caused by the AppImageLauncher tool. :frowning:

I used it to integrate AppImages here. I uninstalled it, rebooted the machine and all AppImages started working again.

Now I need to discover another tool to integrate AppImages. Someone knows a good tool for that?

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I have had many problems with appimagelanucher over the years so I stopped using it quite some time ago.

I just integrate them manually. It only take a minute to create a desktop file yourself.

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I have had many problems with appimagelanucher over the years so I stopped using it quite some time ago.

I just integrate them manually. It only take a minute to create a desktop file yourself.

Well, this is really true. I’ll start working this way.

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Well, the only problem I have with .desktop files for AppImages is regarding the icons. I can’t get the icons to be displayed in my my “dock” (Gnome dash-to-dock extension).

Did you try setting the icon in the .desktop file?

Yes. It “works”, but not in the dash-to-dock.

You could try creating a menu item using “alacarte” , then it should show up in your menu, where you could select it to add it to your dash. But I don’t know what desktop environment you are using so it might not work, but might be worth a try anyways.

Great. I’ll try. Thank you.

Downgrade squashfuse to 2.0 from 3.0. You probably need to install downgrade to do so. Once you do the downgrade your Appimages will work again. As for Appimagelauncher being a issue simply no.

sudo downgrade squashfuse

enter your password and from the list chose 2.0

Then when asked if you want to add squashfuse to the ignore list tell it y.

Just today I tested appimaged and Gear lever as an alternative to AppImageLauncher.

I’ll stick with appimaged. (I am just using the feature where appimaged watches folders and automatically creates start menu entries)

Gear lever has a nice looking GUI but I don’t think I’ll use most of it’s features and also I don’t want to use Flatpaks.

I just had to make sure that ~/.config/systemd/user/ was deleted after uninstalling AppImageLauncher.

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@Locutus ,

Ok, I’ll try. Thank you so much.

@android ,

appimaged seems to be great! I’ll take a look!

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I guess Gear lever could fit you too since it’s an GTK application and matches the looks of the rest of your system… not so much for me on KDE.

It also has an option to automatically copy the AppImages to a certain folder like AppImageLauncher had.

I’d say just test both :).

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Sure, you’re right. :slight_smile:

Just tested it and it works fine, very close to what AppImageLauncher did.

But I am also very interested in appimaged. Maybe I can try in in the weekend.

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