Can't make my cursor theme consistent

I am new to this and something has been really bothering me: I just can’t get my cursor theme to stay consistent across all applications, it changes to a tiny black cursor sometimes.

I have tried following many tutorials at this point but failed somehow. I really don’t understand what I’m doing wrong, help would be greatly appreciated.

I’ll give two examples of apps that ignore the cursor theme: Steam Games/Overlay and Bauh.
I am on Plasma 6.2.4.

Things I tried so far:

  • Running lxappearance and changing the cursor there.
  • Adding this my .bash_profile:
export XCURSOR_PATH=${XCURSOR_PATH}:~/.local/share/icons
export XCURSOR_THEME=Breeze
  • Creating and adding this to .Xresources:
    Xcursor.theme: Breeze

  • Changing index.theme inside the default folder (both system and user) to this:

[Icon Theme]
  • Changing GTK/Gnome style through the System Settings UI (after I installed a package I can’t remember).

  • Changing ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini/

This took me forever. Places to look:



~/.local/share/icons/default/index.theme (this was for SDDM) e.g.


The rest you appear to have covered :smiley:

Edit: (missed one):


No luck :frowning:
I’m out of ideas to be honest…

works here:

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Oh my god…
I tried it with your cursor theme and it worked.
Thank you so much! Now I have to figure out why my cursor theme doesn’t work. =P

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I am old, have cataracts and use dark themes, bibata is ideal for me :smiley: :eyeglasses:

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What I had to do was change the folder name of my cursor theme. The folder was named Catppuccin-Frappe-Dark-Cursors but the theme name was Catppuccin-Frappe-Dark. Changing the folder name to Catppuccin-Frappe-Dark fixed it!

I am lowkey annoyed it was something so simple lmao.

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