Can't get session restore working on Wayland [Plasma]

I don’t know what it is, but since 6.1 introduced “fake-session-restore” for Wayland I can’t seem to get it working.

What I have observed though is that I could not log out when I set it on first some weeks ago. I then forced-ly logged out (using the key combo ctrl/alt/backspace).
I probably should have waited several more minutes. And broke it?

On discuss.kde I saw someone saying it only works with manual save.

It should be working “On Logout” right? Or what is the experience of the EOS community?

What I did to fix it (in vain though):
Went to~/.local/state/plasmashellstaterc and renamed it to “Old_plasmashellstaterc” and rebooted.

Session Restore used to be in a different folder for Plasma 5. These files I don’t seem to have.

Maybe I need to look at the X11 configuration files or so? X11 I also logged into several times when I needed Onboard.

The only thing reopening on reboot/relogin seems to be Firefox, no Dolphin, Konsole, Kate, Kwrite…

And then, if it has anything to do with my issue, which I doubt -

  • but I enabled auto-login on bootup
  • installation is from mid Aug 2024, but up to date of course

°° Is Session Restore on Logout working for you on Wayland ? °°

  • No.
  • Yes.
  • Yes, but only for Firefox or other Gtk apps.
0 voters

Possibly relevant, though I’m not sure:


Is there anything I can do to reset things concerning session restore?
Apart from the ui settings in Desktop Session?
Want to get rid of my show stopper.

… now got me to fix it. Although it is pretty much an oddity, concerning to how it set now.

So I selected System Settings > Session > Desktop Session

  • Show :ballot_box_with_check:
  • When Session was last manually saved

Went to click the Save Session button in the Application Launcher.

Then I selected Log Out there. This took more than 10 minutes!

When I now log out now normally, this behaves like the Session is saved each time, because the applications are restored on relogin or reboot.

(This is not suppossed to be like that?)

This is what I wanted however… although I did expect it to work with the System Settings > Session > Desktop Session - On last logout option.

Hope this helps someone facing the same problem.

(With this setting, my bottom, floating, panel with “Fit Size” was squashed on reboot but this went away after entering and exiting the panel edit mode once and/or with a relogin)