Can't figure out how to install nvidia drivers

this only happens when i run

sudo system76-power graphics nvidia

does not happen with intel

Do you have this file?

cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf

i donā€™t

So with the system76-power you can set it on intel and use it? But when you set nvidia it goes to a black screen?

black screen but i can see my cursor and alt+f2 to launch the search bar and use all the apps as stated before if i restart plasmashell with systemctl --user restart plasma.plasmashell.service everything works fine but not if i reboot or shutdown i didnā€™t find something on internet nvidia related

some forums talk about bad widgets but that cannot be the case since it works with intel and i havenā€™t installed anything

I donā€™t really have any experience with system76-power and or hybrid graphics. I only have Nvidia desktop card. I wonder maybe you try creating this file and see if it does anything. Then save it and reboot and see. I donā€™t know if it will do anything or not.

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf


blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0

iā€™ll try that thank you

If you donā€™t have any success maybe start again and try a different approach.

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prime-run works you know what maybe iā€™ll leave it this way default to intel and iā€™ll use prime-run if i need the nvidia card to do some heavy lifting and use system76-power if i really need to use nvidia

Canā€™t you switch to nvidia also with prime?

Maybe this helps with some info.

canā€™t even run prime-select

thank you i will look into that