Can’t boot in to the system after kernel 5.12.1 and update

yes that is our policy also, a minimal install and help to configure to fit your needs if needed :wink:
So it would be possible, but no plan to implement it.


Obviously I do. I’m just reporting my experience with the latest kernel for informational purposes only.


Good. That’s what I was hoping you’d say. I don’t want to be the other big Arch distro.


I am currently on Fedora 34, and it appears the 5.12 kernel was pulled back from Stable in Fedora.
As of Friday it was in my list of updates, but today (without refreshing the mirrors) it gave me an error in Gnome Software that it could not find 5.12.(whatever version) on any mirror.

Refreshing the mirrors and doing the update thru the terminal instead gave no error, but I noticed 5.12 was not installed but instead a new version of 5.11.


5.12 has clearly been a problem. It’s been a flood of issue after issue. I’m not surprised at all.


All major kernel releases are a problem these days.

The bloody thing has grown so big effective regression testing is not possible.

Attitude is let the community find the bugs and we’ll patch 'em later, which means Arch users often experience the bugs before they are patched.

Before upgrading to a new kernel always make sure your LTS kernel is booting fine, or a cloned rescue system.

Yes please. Lean and mean is great.

If need be sticky a read only forum thread on installing LTS kernel(s) and why they are useful.

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I think a specific WIKI entry would be enough - especially if titled HOW and WHY :grin: Why, I have now had to downgrade or wait on updates 3 times in only a year and a half!!

OF course, I am better setup to handle these things than most - as I don’t even need a live environment to arch-chroot in and fix things with all the Arch-based builds I have on my systems…

I’m running 5.12.4 and haven’t had any major issues with the 5.12 kernels. This is on both Intel and Ryzen but they are desktops not laptops. Also my Ryzen laptop running fine too. :relieved:

I suspect that for the most part the newer and simpler the hardware, the fewer problems. I’m on AMD since 2000, and current machines are from 2008 and newer, no problems with 5.12 itself (ZFS was confused for a day). OTOH - the Intel in my sister’s old laptop seems to prefer -lts kernel - and struggles sometimes with that! (slow boots). I don[t imagine this theory helps much, though! :grin: - as replacing machines right now (especially with separate GPUs) is contra-indicated!

My laptop is from 2016 and only ran on the 5.4 kernel without freezes.
I could not even boot into a newer one.

But since it was struck by lightning it runs smooth on the 5.12 kernel.
Not a single problem.


I never ever use lts kernels! Only current or zen. Those who have problems should take a lesson from @Lemon and bake their stuff! :rofl:

12 posts were split to a new topic: Kernel 5.12 is it really that bad?

Apologies for not reporting back earlier on the login issues I was having with WMs, but it did indeed turn out to be the compositor. I switched from picom to xcompmgr and all is well with dwm and 5.12.x kernel.


Hi, as it is now with Kernel 5.13. But the login issue is still here.

This thread covered a lot of ground. You might be better off starting a new thread with specific details about your issue.