When I transfer files from Point A to Point B in Mate, the ‘File Operations’ popup window shows slow progress but then hangs after a certain point, with large file sizes - e.g., a folder of 10.6Gb has frozen after transferring 3.6Gb to a USB drive.
Is this a known fault, or have I misconfigured something?
Using the command line is fine, it just appears to be an issue with this file ops window or possibly Caja itself.
You’re likely spot on there. If I’m not using EXT4 or BTRFS for a USB drive, it’s typically exFAT if it’s decent sized files I’m sharing with someone. But yes, it’s probably an issue on FAT32/16 and NTFS too.
Apologies for the tardy response to all of your helpful replies.
I think that Bink’s explanation makes sense: rapid progress and then at 0%, it just sits … and sits until it’s done. The buffer explanation seems to fit.
Thank you all - if I encounter this issue again, then I’ve bookmarked this page and can work through the proposed fixes.