Caja file transfer is slow and then hangs

Hi all

When I transfer files from Point A to Point B in Mate, the ‘File Operations’ popup window shows slow progress but then hangs after a certain point, with large file sizes - e.g., a folder of 10.6Gb has frozen after transferring 3.6Gb to a USB drive.

Is this a known fault, or have I misconfigured something?

Using the command line is fine, it just appears to be an issue with this file ops window or possibly Caja itself.

Any help welcomed. Thanks.


First try to see this :

journalctl -f

Try a new transfer then check if you see mistakes.

Otherwise :

lsblk -f

Will give you an idea of missing tools dépending on your file system (like that one who can be missing) :

sudo pacman -S exfat-utils ntfs-3g

Additonnaly copy with this line

rsync -avh /path A/source /path B/destination

Check as well if you have enough space on your destination

df -h

Then what you can try as well, is to launch caja in a debug’s mode

caja --no-desktop --sync

And you transfer or sync what to have to. If no mistakes it could be anextension involved

caja --list-extensions

caja --disable-extensions

Both lines will help you to see clearer and which extension can cause troubles.

It may be fast while filling the buffer, then appear to hang once the buffer is full and it’s writing to the USB.

What file system is the USB? I’ve noticed this sort of behavior with exFAT in particular.

What version USB? USB 2 is much slower than USB 3.

I’ve noticed this every time I have to copy files to a device that will be used on a Windows Machine. No matter if its exfat, ntfs or fat.

You’re likely spot on there. If I’m not using EXT4 or BTRFS for a USB drive, it’s typically exFAT if it’s decent sized files I’m sharing with someone. But yes, it’s probably an issue on FAT32/16 and NTFS too.

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Hi all

Apologies for the tardy response to all of your helpful replies.

I think that Bink’s explanation makes sense: rapid progress and then at 0%, it just sits … and sits until it’s done. The buffer explanation seems to fit.

Thank you all - if I encounter this issue again, then I’ve bookmarked this page and can work through the proposed fixes.


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