By any chance has endeavourOS team made a theme for MATE?

You guys did a very good job with xfce just wondering if you guys made a MATE theme?

I don’t think it’ll happen. @joekamprad is busy and xfce is our main DE which is offered with a hint of purple touch. Other DEs are offered vanilla. The other one that might have a bit of theming would be i3. Unless someone from the community decides to make one.

Xfce use arc-gtk-theme-eos and eos-qogir-icons, I guess you can use them with Mate.

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KDE come with breeze dark and a purple accent by default on eos.

I think @joekamprad made that. With Breeze. Don’t know if it’s still there. But these suggestion also looks nice for KDE.

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only that nothing i made also :wink:
All Desktops shipping with some little fixes, and you have arc-gtk theme and qogir iconset installed on all gtk Desktops you can choose these on settings.

This will make Mate looking clean modern:

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