Bug inside Forum (discourse) norway flag missing

do you set your nationality flag ? or you have had it enabled and changing it to no flag? as there is may a bug inside forum software i see this: Bildschirmfoto_2019-12-29_00-53-24

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A bug yes!

do you want to show your flag?

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Yes! Set my flag in my preferences.

seems norway is broken :wink:
@Bryanpwo ?

should be this:

but setting it to this:

ha ha norway should be NOR but file is named “no.png” so it sets flag to no!

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LOL yes right :slight_smile:

simple missing the link to the flag in the plugin … BUG solved lets hope they will merge the fix soon

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From now on the Norwegian flag is proudly represented in our United Endeavour world :champagne: :wink:

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not jet ready?

Hmm, I assumed it was fixed because it was mentioned in today’s update, it looks like the picture is broken. Well I’ll report it then.

it still links to false.png what is not the right it should link to no.png but may a cache issue? is discourse getting “plugins” directly from GitHub or from somewhere else?

From Github but to be fair I perform the daily updates and not the big stack updates they send notifications for. This is like installing Arch-testing repo, I assumed this issue wasn’t a big one that’s why I did mention it. Normally I don’t do that.

Norwegian flag still missing guys…