Broken pipe error

I noticed I sometimes get the following error after a system ypdate:

:: Synchronizing package databases...
 endeavouros                                                               19,4 KiB   109 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 core                                                                     126,8 KiB   493 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 extra                                                                      8,1 MiB  8,06 MiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 multilib is up to date
:: Searching AUR for updates...
:: Searching databases for updates...
 -> paper-icon-theme: local ( is newer than AUR (1.5.0-3)
:: 15 packages to upgrade/install.
15  endeavouros/eos-hooks       1.15-1              -> 1.15-2
14  core/cryptsetup             2.7.1-1             -> 2.7.2-1
13  core/linux-firmware         20240312.3b128b60-1 -> 20240409.1addd7dc-1
12  core/linux-firmware-whence  20240312.3b128b60-1 -> 20240409.1addd7dc-1
11  core/pam                    1.6.0-4             -> 1.6.1-2
10  extra/dracut                059-6               -> 101-1
 9  extra/eza                   0.18.9-2            -> 0.18.10-1
 8  extra/file-roller           44-2                -> 44.1-1
 7  extra/npm                   10.5.1-1            -> 10.5.2-1
 6  extra/qt6-base              6.6.3-1             -> 6.7.0-2
 5  extra/qt6-declarative       6.6.3-1             -> 6.7.0-1
 4  extra/qt6-svg               6.6.3-1             -> 6.7.0-1
 3  extra/qt6-translations      6.6.3-1             -> 6.7.0-1
 2  extra/qt6-wayland           6.6.3-1             -> 6.7.0-1
 1  extra/qt6ct                 0.9-6               -> 0.9-7
==> Packages to exclude: (eg: "1 2 3", "1-3", "^4" or repo name)
 -> Excluding packages may cause partial upgrades and break systems
Sync Dependency (9): qt6-svg-6.7.0-1, qt6-base-6.7.0-2, dracut-101-1, qt6-translations-6.7.0-1, qt6-declarative-6.7.0-1, qt6-wayland-6.7.0-1, linux-firmware-whence-20240409.1addd7dc-1, npm-10.5.2-1, pam-1.6.1-2
Sync Explicit (6): cryptsetup-2.7.2-1, eza-0.18.10-1, file-roller-44.1-1, linux-firmware-20240409.1addd7dc-1, eos-hooks-1.15-2, qt6ct-0.9-7
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 endeavouros is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (15)                Old Version          New Version          Net Change  Download Size

core/cryptsetup             2.7.1-1              2.7.2-1                0,00 MiB       0,73 MiB
extra/dracut                059-6                101-1                  0,01 MiB       0,28 MiB
endeavouros/eos-hooks       1.15-1               1.15-2                 0,00 MiB       0,01 MiB
extra/eza                   0.18.9-2             0.18.10-1              0,00 MiB       0,44 MiB
extra/file-roller           44-2                 44.1-1                 0,02 MiB       0,74 MiB
core/linux-firmware         20240312.3b128b60-1  20240409.1addd7dc-1    3,91 MiB     222,87 MiB
core/linux-firmware-whence  20240312.3b128b60-1  20240409.1addd7dc-1    0,00 MiB       0,03 MiB
extra/npm                   10.5.1-1             10.5.2-1               0,03 MiB       1,47 MiB
core/pam                    1.6.0-4              1.6.1-2               -0,04 MiB       0,88 MiB
extra/qt6-base              6.6.3-1              6.7.0-2                0,71 MiB      13,53 MiB
extra/qt6-declarative       6.6.3-1              6.7.0-1                4,83 MiB      12,72 MiB
extra/qt6-svg               6.6.3-1              6.7.0-1                0,13 MiB       0,22 MiB
extra/qt6-translations      6.6.3-1              6.7.0-1                0,01 MiB       1,70 MiB
extra/qt6-wayland           6.6.3-1              6.7.0-1                0,12 MiB       1,10 MiB
extra/qt6ct                 0.9-6                0.9-7                  0,00 MiB       0,17 MiB

Total Download Size:   256,89 MiB
Total Installed Size:  412,80 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:        9,72 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages...
 qt6-translations-6.7.0-1-any                                            1740,6 KiB  1264 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 npm-10.5.2-1-any                                                        1509,3 KiB  1043 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 pam-1.6.1-2-x86_64                                                       898,8 KiB   725 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 qt6-wayland-6.7.0-1-x86_64                                              1125,7 KiB   787 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 file-roller-44.1-1-x86_64                                                760,6 KiB   576 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 cryptsetup-2.7.2-1-x86_64                                                746,6 KiB   526 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 dracut-101-1-x86_64                                                      284,6 KiB   409 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 eza-0.18.10-1-x86_64                                                     449,9 KiB   453 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 qt6ct-0.9-7-x86_64                                                       172,8 KiB   432 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 qt6-svg-6.7.0-1-x86_64                                                   225,1 KiB   441 KiB/s 00:01 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 linux-firmware-whence-20240409.1addd7dc-1-any                             35,5 KiB   117 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 eos-hooks-1.15-2-any                                                      14,4 KiB  42,7 KiB/s 00:00 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 qt6-declarative-6.7.0-1-x86_64                                            12,7 MiB   661 KiB/s 00:20 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 qt6-base-6.7.0-2-x86_64                                                   13,5 MiB   657 KiB/s 00:21 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 linux-firmware-20240409.1addd7dc-1-any                                   222,9 MiB  9,64 MiB/s 00:23 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 Total (15/15)                                                            256,9 MiB  11,1 MiB/s 00:23 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(15/15) checking keys in keyring                                                                      [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(15/15) checking package integrity                                                                    [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(15/15) loading package files                                                                         [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(15/15) checking for file conflicts                                                                   [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
( 1/15) upgrading pam                                                                                 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
( 2/15) upgrading cryptsetup                                                                          [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
( 3/15) upgrading dracut                                                                              [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
( 4/15) upgrading eos-hooks                                                                           [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
( 5/15) upgrading eza                                                                                 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
( 6/15) upgrading file-roller                                                                         [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
( 7/15) upgrading linux-firmware-whence                                                               [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
( 8/15) upgrading linux-firmware                                                                      [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
( 9/15) upgrading npm                                                                                 [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(10/15) upgrading qt6-translations                                                                    [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(11/15) upgrading qt6-base                                                                            [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(12/15) upgrading qt6-declarative                                                                     [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(13/15) upgrading qt6-svg                                                                             [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(14/15) upgrading qt6-wayland                                                                         [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(15/15) upgrading qt6ct                                                                               [------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
( 1/10) Reloading system manager configuration...
( 2/10) Creating temporary files...
( 3/10) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
( 4/10) Running kernel-install...
Running kernel-install for 6.8.4-arch1-1
error: unable to write to pipe (Broken pipe)
( 5/10) Update EndeavourOS specific hooks.
( 6/10) Check if user should be informed about rebooting after certain system package upgrades.
( 7/10) Compiling GSettings XML schema files...
( 8/10) Updating icon theme caches...
( 9/10) Checking which packages need to be rebuilt
(10/10) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache...

I have no issue when rebooting but did find this thread in the forum.

I was just wondering if this could lead to a serious issue if I don’t address it or do I have to run sudo reinstall-kernels like the thread I mentioned suggests? Or is it a bug in Dracut?

I’ve had this from time to time as well, I don’t know why.

I had this as well, then forgot to investigate, but it seems to have disappeared with the latest updates. Am still curious to know more about it though

What error are you referring to? :thinking:

Edit: Okay i see it now.

error: unable to write to pipe (Broken pipe)

I don’t think it’s a problem if the updates completed and on reboot there is no issue.

Running kernel-install for 6.6.30-2-lts
dracut[I]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut --no-hostonly --force /efi/91cf2d7df404486dbf16ae08dea5fa61/6.6.30-2-lts/initrd-fallback 6.6.30-2-lts
dracut[I]: memstrack is not available
dracut[I]: If you need to use rd.memdebug>=4, please install memstrack and procps-ng
dracut[I]: *** Including module: systemd ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: systemd-initrd ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: modsign ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: i18n ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: btrfs ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: crypt ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: dm ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: kernel-modules ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: kernel-modules-extra ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: lvm ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: mdraid ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: nvdimm ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: qemu ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: qemu-net ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: lunmask ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: resume ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: rootfs-block ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: terminfo ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: udev-rules ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: virtiofs ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: dracut-systemd ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: usrmount ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: base ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: fs-lib ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: shutdown ***
dracut[I]: *** Including modules done ***
dracut[I]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies ***
dracut[I]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies done ***
dracut[I]: *** Resolving executable dependencies ***
dracut[I]: *** Resolving executable dependencies done ***
dracut[I]: *** Hardlinking files ***
dracut[I]: *** Hardlinking files done ***
dracut[I]: *** Generating early-microcode cpio image ***
dracut[I]: *** Constructing GenuineIntel.bin ***
dracut[I]: *** Store current command line parameters ***
dracut[I]: *** Stripping files ***
dracut[I]: *** Stripping files done ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating image file '/efi/91cf2d7df404486dbf16ae08dea5fa61/6.6.30-2-lts/initrd-fallback' ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/efi/91cf2d7df404486dbf16ae08dea5fa61/6.6.30-2-lts/initrd-fallback' done ***
dracut[I]: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut --hostonly --no-hostonly-cmdline -f /efi/91cf2d7df404486dbf16ae08dea5fa61/6.6.30-2-lts/initrd 6.6.30-2-lts
dracut[I]: memstrack is not available
dracut[I]: If you need to use rd.memdebug>=4, please install memstrack and procps-ng
dracut[I]: memstrack is not available
dracut[I]: If you need to use rd.memdebug>=4, please install memstrack and procps-ng
dracut[I]: *** Including module: systemd ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: systemd-initrd ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: i18n ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: kernel-modules ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: kernel-modules-extra ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: rootfs-block ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: terminfo ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: udev-rules ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: dracut-systemd ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: usrmount ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: base ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: fs-lib ***
dracut[I]: *** Including module: shutdown ***
dracut[I]: *** Including modules done ***
dracut[I]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies ***
dracut[I]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies done ***
dracut[I]: *** Resolving executable dependencies ***
dracut[I]: *** Resolving executable dependencies done ***
dracut[I]: *** Hardlinking files ***
dracut[I]: *** Hardlinking files done ***
dracut[I]: *** Generating early-microcode cpio image ***
dracut[I]: *** Constructing GenuineIntel.bin ***
dracut[I]: *** Store current command line parameters ***
dracut[I]: *** Stripping files ***
dracut[I]: *** Stripping files done ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating image file '/efi/91cf2d7df404486dbf16ae08dea5fa61/6.6.30-2-lts/initrd' ***
dracut[I]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/efi/91cf2d7df404486dbf16ae08dea5fa61/6.6.30-2-lts/initrd' done ***
error: unable to write to pipe (Broken pipe)
(3/7) Check if user should be informed about rebooting after certain system package upgrades.
(4/7) Compiling GSettings XML schema files...
(5/7) Probing GTK3 input method modules...
(6/7) Checking which packages need to be rebuilt
(7/7) Updating the info directory file...

I got the same error during an update. And I think during the reboot, it chose the LTS kernel since it was the first option. I only got a black screen, so I have to force shutdown (Sys Rq + REISUB or REISO didn’t work) by holding the power button to boot again with Zen kernel.