Broke my Display Manager SDDM to LightDm

If EnOS had originally set up lightdm, it would have used lightdm-slick-greeter as default and not lightdm-gtk-greeter. There is nothing wrong with lightdm-gtk-greeter, but slick-greeter is what was chosen as default for EnOS
If lightdm-slick-greeter is installed, in the EnOS repo, is a package

sudo pacman -Sy eos-settings-xfce4 

Installing that package should set up the EnOS theming, but since sddm was originally installed that might mess with things. Go to

scroll down and notice there is a


for every DE that is supported, plus the i3wm Window Manager.

There is also a Topic that covers basic theming, etc for lightdm-slick-greeter.

None of this is necessary, but it will give you something to tinker with. :nerd_face:


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