Breeze looks broken after updating to Plasma 6

After doing a system update which included Plasma 6, my Breeze looks like this:

I doubt this is how it’s supposed to look, the taskbar doesn’t even show which apps are open, selected or just pinned - they all look the same.

I have selected Breeze light before updating but it didn’t help

Do you have disabled ALLthe plasmoids, Icons and Themes related to Plasma5?

I’m not sure what you mean by disabling them, I have some installed but none are in use

It seems you are using kvantum theme or something. Its all blushed.

I have had some troubles after updating to Plasma 6 so i have deinstalled some packages.

That’s the thing, I always used the default eos theme or breeze dark and I don’t have kvantum installed.

I looked around the settings and it looks like I’m completely missing the default plasma theme which is responsible for things like the analog clock widget (which is invisible on my desktop)

What should probably be noted, is that before updating pacman gave me this error:

error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
kio-extras: /usr/share/applications/kcm_trash.desktop exists in filesystem
kglobalacceld: /usr/lib/systemd/user/plasma-kglobalaccel.service exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

And then I just used --overwrite, so idk if it’s that
If it’s me then I can just roll back to a previous snapshot

This needs to be repaired. I don’t know how. Sorry, someone else will have to look at it again

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You have multiple options.

  1. Attempt to update again
  2. Verify if the problem files are dependencies for anything else. If not, you could delete them and perform the update again.
  3. Force update the problem packages before performing the full update and if successful, complete the full update.
  4. Do what you already state you’ve done and use the overwrite flag.

Make sure you understand any action you are taking before doing so. If you do not know what a package does or what dependencies it has or creates, don’t delete it. If you don’t understand what ramifications forcing an action has, don’t perform that action.

People are here to assist where and when possible, but ultimately it’s up to each of us to understand what we do before we do it.

If you’re at all concerned about what may happen; make sure you’ve taken a backup of your system. You can also take a snapshot and save that in case something happens and you can revert back to it.

Today is the third time I’m attempting this update and for some reason it went fine. No errors, theme looks normal, sddm looks normal

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That’s great! Glad it worked out.

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