Bootloader screwed


I think I am in some serious trouble.

I was doing a system upgrade and my system went idle because of inactivity and I saw this screen:

While trying to follow the instructions, my laptop got rebooted somehow and bootloader was screwed.

I think my Linux kernel was being upgraded when the screensaver issue happened and following that rebooting the laptop made my current bootloader got corrupt.

I currently see this screen while booting the laptop

I hope it can be recovered without any data loss.

I guess we would need a bit more information about your system.

Please boot up your live usb and post the output of the following commands to begin with:

sudo parted -l
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Thank you for looking into this. Here is the output

Boot off the ISO, arch-chroot in following these instructions:

Then use pacman to reinstall your kernel. For example, if you use the mainline kernel, use:

pacman -Syu linux linux-headers

Then exit the chroot and reboot.

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Thank you for sharing this. I’ll follow the steps to recover the system in a few hours. I’ll comment once I make some progress

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Getting this db error

That doesn’t look like you followed the arch-chroot instructions I shared.

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I see you aren’t root. So arch-chroot is incorrect.

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I switched to my user by running

su priten

I found that my terminal was not connected to the internet. Just fixed that and I am currently upgrading the whole system using

eos-update command

It worked like a charm! Thank you very much. After a system update, I am able to boot normally into the distro.

Thank you for all your help!

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