Black screen(monitor can't see system)

Good afternoon, I’m facing a problem that my monitor can’t see the system after installation, it just goes into sleep mode. This also happens when I select the first normal option for installation, after loading the console my screen just goes blank. If I select the second option for nvidia cards, in this case my monitor does not see the system after installing the system at startup. I plan to use the system to create programs, everything is fine on the second PC.

PC specifications:
Nvidia gtx980
Bios: UEFI
Dell monitor

Any options to fix this?

Welcome @Dimlock :wave: :sunglasses: :enos_flag:

Are you able to confirm that in your BIOS, you’ve disabled:

  • Legacy boot / CSM mode
  • Secure-boot
  • Fast-boot

See here for further details for why they should be disabled.

welcome @Dimlock :enos:

Not really clear if you can boot the ISO only if using nvidia boot options or the issue is only happen on installed system?

Seems GTX 980 is still supported Card for latest Nvidia?
Could be if no Display if choosing Nvidia is caused by having the Display connected to internal GPU and not GPU card?

Nvidia’s new driver no longer supports cards with PASCAL architecture (or SOC) and sadly that includes all 900 and 10 series cards except the 1650ti and 1660ti cards. Nvidia has moved on to using Open GPU Kernel Modules which these cards with their architectures cannot use. This ='s Black Screen Madness!

So a couple things that can be done to fix…:

Reinstall using Opensource drivers

Chroot in and either rollback the driver to the 550 version and blacklist it in pacman.conf so it is skipped in updates.
The drawback to this is that it is a temporary solution AND definitely will not work long term.

OR, while in Chroot, remove Nvidia completely and install the Open Source Drivers.

is this true?
i do not see this here:
nor any info here:

What has ended on 1. September is Hardware support for Kepler Series.
Pascal is still supported on hardware and Driver as far as i know.

Open-Nvidia only supports latest cards including 16XX:

And they are listed in 560 Version as supported too: