After the last update, whether Plasma goes to sleep after x minutes, or manually, the screen freezes as well as the laptop. After a minute the cursor disappears and not a single keyboard button works either, including num lock or mic lock with their key lights stuck in the on position.
I’m on stock Intel graphics, no nvidia or third party GPU.
I’ve looked into this and found a couple of solutions that don’t work for me.
One is activating and deactivating some nvidia sleep services, none of which exist on my instance of EOS:
The second solution comes from wiki and directs me to see that my laptop offers s2idle and deep sleep options via cat /sys/power/mem_sleep.
However, the BIOS does not offer changing sleep options like wiki suggests, and if i try to manually change the sleep method it says no permission: # echo deep > /sys/power/mem_sleep (I’ve tried putting sudo in front and it still says no permission)
If i try to edit the conf file it says no such file or directory, whether i start the command with cd or not:
I’d be willing to change my sleep pattern from s2idle to deep if it helps it not freeze. Otherwise I’ll stick to deactivating sleep altogether and use the shift+fn+b command to turn off screen and keyboard lights.
Thank you for looking!